Mustard Pickle Rules!
I don't believe in resolutions AND I have already relearned how to do simple counted cross-stitch...what centering fun. And I have a goal of completing a Christmas tree skirt with these little, handworked, holiday images. It was a very pleasant way to spend the afternoon with my folks while visiting. The first part of the day was just as pleasant. We woke up down at the Field and enjoyed a walk in the dawn dark alernating our listening to the coyotes to the south east and the logtrucks racing to be first in the loading line in the west. Then it was another rousing game of Sheltie ball and hide-n-go seek in the tall, dead grasses of the lower meadow/garden. After that it was good coffee and conversation and prayer followed by eggs and toast in the warm house. Last night was more of the same--long walk in the forest discussing a book called the "Feminine Brain", then tea and more talk about "Course in Miracles" and grief and hope and cats and dogs. Chicken livers played a helpful part in the last topic. We actually were able to have Cloud Man and Squishy within three feet of each other and Squishy not being a lunging fruit. His foot is much better. The epsom baths and being distracted by all the walks and fun have been helpful and the swelling is down quite a bit. He is happily eating a box in front of a cheery fire as I write this.
I, on the other hand, have just finished an amazing sandwich of celebration roast (a vegan alternative to pot roast) and my mother's mustard pickle. Oooh-wheee! I am in Heaven. And I have been for some time now. I found what I was looking for at the Field this time and came away rested and ready to get back into the swing of things. Working out is also helping with the natural rhythm of things. Few more days of quiet reading, cleaning out parts of the kitchen and basement, some work, and long walks with my sweet, precious dog .
I am happy to report that my sister's surgery went well and she is recovering readily. Round two is coming up for her and portents the same success. This carcinoma thing runs all through the family. Here's to finding things to look forward to in 2008--handwork and counted cross-stitch, successful dog training, successful surgeries and healing, more cyber bowling or whatever it's called, and lots of tea and visiting with Loved Ones.
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