Snowing lightly mixed with rain. Cozy fire.Good coffee. Working on Reading Assessments.
Busy weekend around the cottage. A few projects off the home-do list--French doors installed between the cabin room and the lavendar room, the doorknob in the kitchen fixed, the hardwood floor mended, the heating vent redirected, the striped chair fixed, and pancakes mixed by a two year old, and then an hour dishwashing session with same two year old and some fine walks and talks at the locks and the beach and the park with two-year olds mom.Two year old's dad did all the fine work around the home while mama did her mom thing. Can't tell who is working harder---It was a busy, cozy time. And now on with the next round of tasks--painting that room and sealing the door, not in that order. I almost have my voice back. Didn't for Book Group. Don't know what thigns will be like in secondgradeland today. Better than in a certain preK on one hill over. I am chuckling on the inside thinking about what will happen over there today. Now, more coffee, please.
Busy weekend around the cottage. A few projects off the home-do list--French doors installed between the cabin room and the lavendar room, the doorknob in the kitchen fixed, the hardwood floor mended, the heating vent redirected, the striped chair fixed, and pancakes mixed by a two year old, and then an hour dishwashing session with same two year old and some fine walks and talks at the locks and the beach and the park with two-year olds mom.Two year old's dad did all the fine work around the home while mama did her mom thing. Can't tell who is working harder---It was a busy, cozy time. And now on with the next round of tasks--painting that room and sealing the door, not in that order. I almost have my voice back. Didn't for Book Group. Don't know what thigns will be like in secondgradeland today. Better than in a certain preK on one hill over. I am chuckling on the inside thinking about what will happen over there today. Now, more coffee, please.
At 7:50 AM,
little sea said…
you chuckle... i dread. thank GOD that bullet was dodged... :)
At 7:56 AM,
About Me said…
Yay snow! So, I went to Mass at OLF yesterday (don't fall over from shock) and ran into Miss Mary J. It was decided between the two of us that we need to all get together for tea, and to show her how she can leave comments here. :)
At 4:37 AM,
MihErn said…
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