"...Rather they've learned that any task, any job, can be transformed by the attitude we bring to it, and that we can grow even in the most unappealing of circumstances. Who we become is the real engaging with life. If we do so wholeheartedly, creatively striving to do the best we're capable of, we'll experience both the satisfaction that comes with doing good work, and its fruit:
ever-deepening maturity.:---Rise Up With Good Works, The Monks of New Skete
Had a quiet, lovely couple of days at Pine Lake. Puppy, ferns, coffee, harp, old magazines, eagles, deer, Canadian geese, ducks,kingfishers, crows, my folks, a fire, soft rain on a metal roof, naps, and I don't know how much time just staring out at the water or into the fire or down at a wee black and white scampering thing playing in the Sweet Williams. Soothing, soothing, soothing. All the right smells and sights for my battered heart and spirit right now. It's not bad. Grief takes its own time. And it shall have it.
Getting ready for another camping adventure. This time up to Birch Bay with Mary J. And puppy, harp, coffee, and good books. I'm reading the Von Trapp Family's story by Maria herself. It is delightful and nourishing. This family had/has such faith and bonds of togtherness. Of course, Hollywood dramatized things somewhat but it is fairly accurate, just a different timeline and way more children that 7. Maria brought the "folk" traditions, songs, and revels of her upbringing to this aristocratic family. It changed them (ruined them according to some of their gentry neighbors) but what it actually did was cement them as a family and gave them the touchstone to grow in what they loved to do--singing and playing instruments being one of them. I am enjoying this very much. Had to put the Irish slavery one down as compelling as it is. Need positive right now.
It is off to Special Ed Boot Camp all next week. I have decided to seek a special education endorsement to add to my list of credentials. It will give me another marketable advantage and will certainly help in the parenting that is to come.
I went to a class this past weekend on hair and skin care products and practices for children of color. It was the first time I have been around adoptive families, waiting families down at the agency. I learned some new things but most I had already gotten in Jonestown. Good to know of resources here. And we have internet. And it will depend on the child/ren...as it always does.
French lesson today, dance class and hardshoe training afterwards. Then more puppy time and loading the care. I could get to like summer. I suppose.
ever-deepening maturity.:---Rise Up With Good Works, The Monks of New Skete
Had a quiet, lovely couple of days at Pine Lake. Puppy, ferns, coffee, harp, old magazines, eagles, deer, Canadian geese, ducks,kingfishers, crows, my folks, a fire, soft rain on a metal roof, naps, and I don't know how much time just staring out at the water or into the fire or down at a wee black and white scampering thing playing in the Sweet Williams. Soothing, soothing, soothing. All the right smells and sights for my battered heart and spirit right now. It's not bad. Grief takes its own time. And it shall have it.
Getting ready for another camping adventure. This time up to Birch Bay with Mary J. And puppy, harp, coffee, and good books. I'm reading the Von Trapp Family's story by Maria herself. It is delightful and nourishing. This family had/has such faith and bonds of togtherness. Of course, Hollywood dramatized things somewhat but it is fairly accurate, just a different timeline and way more children that 7. Maria brought the "folk" traditions, songs, and revels of her upbringing to this aristocratic family. It changed them (ruined them according to some of their gentry neighbors) but what it actually did was cement them as a family and gave them the touchstone to grow in what they loved to do--singing and playing instruments being one of them. I am enjoying this very much. Had to put the Irish slavery one down as compelling as it is. Need positive right now.
It is off to Special Ed Boot Camp all next week. I have decided to seek a special education endorsement to add to my list of credentials. It will give me another marketable advantage and will certainly help in the parenting that is to come.
I went to a class this past weekend on hair and skin care products and practices for children of color. It was the first time I have been around adoptive families, waiting families down at the agency. I learned some new things but most I had already gotten in Jonestown. Good to know of resources here. And we have internet. And it will depend on the child/ren...as it always does.
French lesson today, dance class and hardshoe training afterwards. Then more puppy time and loading the care. I could get to like summer. I suppose.
At 11:50 AM,
Avis said…
I'm so glad you're able to "Come away by yourselves ato a deserted place and rest awhile." (Mk 6:31) We all need the quiet times.
Prayer requests from here include Bernard's sister-in-law Krissy (health) and my nephew and his wife (sudden need to find new housing). Thank you!
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