Mississippi Moments

Thursday, September 03, 2009

"Cor Meum Est Templu Sacrum" by Patricia Van Ness (Found in The Faith Club)
My heart is a holy place
Wiser and holier than I know it to be
Wiser than my lips can speak
A spring of mystery and grace.
You have created my heart
And have filled it with things of wonder.
You have sculpted it, shaped it with your hands
Touched it with your breath.
Inits own season it reveals itself to me.
It shows me rivers of gold
Flowing in elegance
And hidden paths of infinite beauty.
You touch me with your stillness as I await its time.
You have made it a dwelling place of richness and intricacies
Of wisdom beyond my understanding
Of grace and mysteries, from your hands.

Between drugging myself to get some sleep, keeping cold sores at bay and heart from racing, walking and walking and walking to still my mind, remembering to eat and then to stop, and acting like I care---I make myself to read. Good things. This is what is jumping out to teach and hold me.

I am not afraid.
I can manage.
I am able.
I can go on.
I can figure things out.
I am not too tired.
It will be worth it (some way somehow)
I can be other than worried and frustrated and pissed.
I can make smart choices.
And I don't feel all alone.
Trying to find my truth in all this and my balance.

If I can't after some time, then I will make a decision that is right for me.
I can make those kinds of decisions. And live with them.
It's that simple.

I'm enjoying the wind this morning.
I am praying for Cathy T's dad and for her and her family today that all will be well.
And the cup will just stay under the sink leak until later.


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