"No truth is ours until we make it our own. All the truths in the world don't matter unless and until we discover them to be true for ourselves. That's what this journey is about."--Melody Beattie
Winter time is always a challenging time. It is also now one of my favorites. I am getting to the place when each time, each season, each part of the day-each becomes my favorite for different reasons. I guess that might be what is meant by being awake in the moment. It sure does help me Breathe better even when emotions are running rampant through my body and mind. Winter makes it easier to reach for Light and harder to wake up--literally. It feels like Mud to get up and move and move some more. But I love it when I do. And invitations to read more. Write more. Soup more. Music more. Tea more. Discuss more. Work and Plan more. Ignore cleaning more. Laundry, too.
Simple things, thoughts, kindnesses, skyscapes--imprint and guide these dark, wet, cold, muddy days and nights. Punctuated by snow and dancing in it and delighting in the quiet energy of it, the magic. Winter time. Healing time. Resting time. Creating time. Loving time. Grateful for Everything Time.
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