Ah'm not nutters....reeaalllly.
Yesterday was just a wee bit of an intense non ordinary kind of day. And justifiably so. Apparently I had a bit of a sacred contract about coming back in a time of peace and prayer to stand on that holy isle and do just that...pray with a peaceful heart. The Universe has accepted my fulfillment of the promise and now I can drink heavily...which I won't.
We are back in Edinburgh. We visited Loch Lomond today, the historic and ugly village of Stirling, and the battlefield of Bannockburn where Robert the Bruce and 6,ooo Scots kicked the medieval kabooties of Edward the 2 and 20,000 English. Saw a living history demo of the weapons of war of the time---UGLY< AWFUL< HORRIFIC< UNBELIEVABLY gross and accurate! Then we got to see some actual pictures of skulls dug up that showed what those weapons could do....my goodness.
I take off tomorrow and it takes a day and night and part of a day to return. I am ready. Everything fits in the bags and we are off for one last dinner as a tour group. There have been some very nice folks on this trip but I have enjoyed having time to just be with myself. Love to all, E-
Yesterday was just a wee bit of an intense non ordinary kind of day. And justifiably so. Apparently I had a bit of a sacred contract about coming back in a time of peace and prayer to stand on that holy isle and do just that...pray with a peaceful heart. The Universe has accepted my fulfillment of the promise and now I can drink heavily...which I won't.
We are back in Edinburgh. We visited Loch Lomond today, the historic and ugly village of Stirling, and the battlefield of Bannockburn where Robert the Bruce and 6,ooo Scots kicked the medieval kabooties of Edward the 2 and 20,000 English. Saw a living history demo of the weapons of war of the time---UGLY< AWFUL< HORRIFIC< UNBELIEVABLY gross and accurate! Then we got to see some actual pictures of skulls dug up that showed what those weapons could do....my goodness.
I take off tomorrow and it takes a day and night and part of a day to return. I am ready. Everything fits in the bags and we are off for one last dinner as a tour group. There have been some very nice folks on this trip but I have enjoyed having time to just be with myself. Love to all, E-
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