Greetings from Inverness!Having just finished another great egg-mayo sandwich (the Scots are better than the Irish at these specialty sandwiches)and a lovely walk about town, I found the local laundrette and internet cafe.We are in the Highlands now. While Edinburgh had an awful lot to tantalize and delight in the historical sense, the Highlands have my heart. We have had more than a few hikes in the woodlands already and it smells like home...or rather Pine Lake. In the past couple of days, we have been to St. Andrew'sand yes, we crossed the 18th and 9th holes on the oldest and most well-known course. I prayed to the spirits of the place on Bruce's behalf. We toured the ancient medieval abbey ruins there. The devastating effects of the Reformation and English "involvement" are everywhere and mentioned often by our guides. We visited Scone Palace and Moot Hill which is the ancient ecclesiastical and political seat of the Scots(think Tara to the Irish). It is where the Stone of Scone (or Destiny) was placed and all Scots kings crowned there. The real Stone is at Edinburgh castle which I saw two days ago on touring that castle. Fascinating. Went hiking in Perthshire and saw Atlantic salmon trying to leap waterfalls. The rivers run a clean, clear brown here--so different from the Mississippi- because of the peat. The foam and environs smell so earthy and good. We spent time walking in the Glencoe Mountains this morning at a special spot called Queen's View. It was a favorite spot of Queen Victoria but was actually named for the wife of Robert the Bruce. We took a tour of the smallest distillery of single malt in Scotland-Edradour near the town of Pitlochery. Of course, it involved some dram work.We visited a Jacobite battle site called SOldier's Leap today near the battlefield of Killiecrankie. Killiecrankie translates from the Gallic to mean "Woodpecker woods". Tomorrow we head to Culloden and Castle Cawdor (Macbeth) and more hiking. The group I am with is full of very nice, inquisitive people. i have a nice roommate from Canada named Veronica. I am eating myself silly with the good Scottish food--they have a wide variety of vegetarian choices at each place. They also understand good coffee.The highlight of today was meeting two Scottish deerhounds on the trail named Bonny and Jock. They were beautiful. I am missing Dougie MAcLean in concert here by two days and I am bummed. The other highlight has been traveling through the Scottish countryside listening to the McKassons. Life doesn't get any better than this. I forgot Brigie's email, so if you read this and talk to her, please tell her that I am so thankful she is taking care of LIttle Man. He would love the walks and all teh sheep to chase here. I am so looking into Ewe-topia for him when we get back. Iona happens in a couple of days. That is the other amazing thing to come. Much love to you, E-
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At 2:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
I feel like I am there on your travels as you describe them...I love that you have your feet down on all of these places that I have only read and sung about. I can't wait to go over there myself!
love you
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