Mississippi Moments

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Starting to feel like my Self again.
The slip of moon and accompanying stars were beautiful this morning in the stillness and above the twinkle lights of homes in our neighborhood.
I have been bummed out because I have had no energy to even begin decorating or trying to create the season in my own home. That has changed. The decorating started on the inside actually and I just wasn't paying attention. And sometimes the Universe sends you sweet little presents wrapped up in a friend's smiling face on a surprise visit after a busy, not at all peaceful afternoon with Ho-Ho-Ho heads.
Candlelight, especially scented ones, help.
So does a cup of Christmas tea in a Christmas cup made the same way on any other day but when you call it Christmas tea, that makes it even more special.
So, along with the usual schoolwork in the quiet of the early day, I enjoyed filling some vases and old teapots with fresh evergreens and rosemary and setting them around the cottage this morning. It is beginning to smell a lot like Christmas. And I cleared off most of one surface and will call that "SPLENDID" for that part.
Curves is flooded out, literally. So I am walking and playing more with my dog and will work on increasing my sweat quotient in other ways. Probably during math and we will do "aerobics" for skip counting and other warm-up today. We shall see. Glad my old positive outlook is back. Feels alright that that is more the norm than anything else and when it takes a break, I notice big-time.
The weather is calm for the ttime being so that should help at school.


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