That's my theme for 2009. Don't hold much by the arbitrary change in year to year...AND this year, it's different. Once again. Like so many other things.
Marin, the swimmer with a dream, who had brain cancer, died today. She went HOME. My love and prayers go with her and her beloveds. Her story and spirit impacted my story and my spirit.
My friend, Will, follows the Course in Miracles. He had a suggestion for me this winter--how about not venerating, not honoring the past as I pick up to go down the next path. In practice, thought, and action, just let the past Be, let it all just be.
I had a gut reaction to that. First off--Fiona and Sadie. Then all the healing and all the love and all the lessons learned. But his idea is quite simple, really. Let it be. It isn't anymore. I'm thinking on that one...not too much. Quite simply, it changes immediately how I perceive certain situations. It frees things. The energy, too.
I've had several rest-filled days of walks, explorations in the woods, games in the snow with my dog, cups of tea, explorations at Fort Worden, quiet times with Family and Fletcher.
I don't "do resolutions". There is no try, Luke, there is only DO...DO your Life. Be your Life.
So Iyam.
I will buy no books for myself this year. Libraries are us. Exchanges with friends and colleagues. Got this idea from one of the Book Group Wisdom Women.
I am thinking on another one--a lady in the news chose no refined/processed sugar in her nutritional plan for all of last year. Thinking on that one. Ok then. Sounds like a natural and powerful thing to do to clean up the inner body situation.
My latest medical tests came back top-notch...again. Gotta love that. I evenl ost some more weight and I was betting that I had put on a few pounds during this lovely sit around and watch the snow session of winter. I don't have the results back yet about where or wherenot I am in pre- or menopause. I am proud of myself because my blood pressure was way normal and I wasn't even psyched up about going into the doc and I had my blood drawn with an ordinary needle--no pre-stuff that numbs my arm, no passing out, no hyperbreathing---it makes life so much more gentle when there isn't the reactive drama. I also thanked my health care provider for her attention to detail and the care with which she does her work. I have a long list I am in process of sharing my gratitude with of these folks. What I also forgot was that I also took a ton of really long walks in the snow with my beastie and then more walks following deer trails and elk prints and hawk flights. Never done that before. Bushwhacked like that.
With no fear. With no FEAR. With Joy in my Heart. We just went. With ourselves. Cedar and Me. Wow.
I discovered the music of Michael Tomlinson on I-tunes. And I did get rid of old tapes. I just don't want to chuck stuff that I love and not have digital replacements.
My brother is engaged. I am happy for him and for his partner. They have a big new to them house where they are creating "home". I keep asking myself "What are you waiting for?" The answer is absolutely nothing. And no one else is making the rules either. No hoops. We are making our own choices. So is my brother and his lady.
Please take your walks. Bring your Breath. Bring your Prayers. Bring your Heart. Let your walk shift your mind and spirit. It will. Be patient. Or not. Whatever works for you. This morning was a trip---monkeymind going over and over and over and when I reminded myself to breathe, then I noticed the stars. In a clear sky. Free and beautiful and doing what they do---being stars.
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