It's hot out there, folks.
Keep the hydration going, stay out of the sun, and be sure your animal companions have plenty of the cool, clear stuff, too.
Had a busy weekend with a family wedding over at Point No Point. My partner and I sure love riding the ferry. Back and forth. The waiting isn't too bad either if you have something to keep you cool, a good book, a sister in the waitline two rows over, and a computer with HP and the Order of the Phoenix to carry you over those rough boredom spots. Never been to a wedding at a lighthouse, the Point No Point lighthouse. Very special place to our family. My mother's side has been camping there since the 1940's. The tradition continues to this day. The stories and drama and fun that could be retold here would require another blog entirely. The day, the blue sky, the wind, the boats, the kites, the fishing men and women, the families, the dogs, the picnics, the speedos, the seagulls, all the folks there to wish the new couple well, the walk on the beach after down to the launching dock where my grandpa and uncles would splash down on their way to catch salmon...I hope that such a special start portents a long and special journey together for the young couple.
I went to my first ice cream social at the park where Fletcher lives. There is a yurt there. From time to time, there are pancake breakfasts, evening potlucks, sports watching events, game nights, etc. The community comes together--the permanent residents and those who are just passing through (for a night, a week, a month). It is a chance to meet and greet folks from all over. This was no exception. There was a cake for Fletcher and me. And lots of congratulations. Fletcher says this is the most community-minded place he has ever lived in his life. He is getting to know my little section of Ballard. We are plenty community-minded, too. In a different way. We have way more stuff than in the 5th wheels and RVs.
Been learning what it is like to walk my dog after 7 a.m and p.m. Don't like the first one at all, learning to enjoy the second one as folks are out in their gardens and yards or taking their own walks. Last night, we returned books to the library and met a couple of puppies-a teacup chihuahua and a bichon mix something. Not over 3 pounds they were. And young. Porter had fun. I wonder how you would keep track of something that small. Saw last night, also, that Porter can indeed single jump it to the top of the woodpile going after a squirrel or some other creature in the pear tree. He did it several times. This means he could easily jump the fence. Thanks, Airedales, for teaching him that one!
Twisting and wringing the urge to go out and get full time teaching work. "(This) Force is strong in you, Luke." (use your best Obi-Wan voice there.) Gonna struggle until I quit or the urge subsides and I am going to rest. Whatever that means. Right now, it means naps everyday whether I want them or not. It means a restless heart and mind. It means that to make myself sit still I have to put myself in the bathtub (with or without water) and set the timer. Sitting still is not what happens at this time of year-ever. And it needs to happen now. The impulse is to empty everything out of this house. Empty it. And then stand around and enjoy the space and the lack of clutter.
Haven't had any more baby birds down the chimbley pipe. Let's hope it stays that way!
At 5:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
great blog site - keep up the good work
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