"The things we create have energy....what we do contains our energy--the emotional energy and attitude we put into it...Have you noticed the difference when you cooked a meal in a loving frame of mind? Merely doing the job isn't always enough. We need to do the job with our best energy....Melody Beattie, Journey to the Heart, p. 253
I had a long thought with myself about this on our morning walk. We went down to Shilshole to be near the wind, mountains, water, birds, and boats. I parked farther away than usual. Tomorrow will be even farther. (I am finding that we can walk farther than I ever thought and Porter loves it, too.) As I was wondering what to do with myself--oh, yes, put one foot in front of the other and quit grousing because you are not in a classroom---I let the wind and sun work their magic. And I let the"Committee, The Beastie Bunch, the Group of Ton (alluding to the moral weight they attempt to put on their ideas) The Closet Craptaculars, and the Soul Suckers-whatever name you want to call them, it's all the same to me--I let'em have until we crossed the bridge down near stacked rocks and fire pits. No questions. No clarifications. Just a big dump. Have at it. The space could hold it and as long as I was moving, I could, too. I listened for patterns, repeats, messages under complaints, inklings of value, fears. There were a few. Mostly, it was just crap. That needed to be turned into cosmic compost. I'll let the Universe do what it wills.
Last week, I read an article sent by one of my Facebook friends from the Harvard Business review. On excellence. It was excellent. Clear, easy to understand. I don't seem to have the brainpower to understand much of anything at the moment. This, too, is part of the turn off, slow down, and listen. The article clearly pointed out that to become an expert, to be excellent, one needs to do a specific, thing well 10,000 or more times. Just that one thing. I have been thinking on this because much of what I am doing around here, I can't seem to care about. Mostly, repairs, yardwork, cleanup. I just don't care. And today, I started to look at it differently. I still build time into the day to do things I don't like doing. And then I started the 10,000 path. Like removing all the damn grass from my high maintenance yard that I don't like anymore. I removed grass really well in one section and planted lavendar and wintergreen. I replaced the garden angel where he goes. (After I found him.) and the Garden Fairy. and the Garden Buddha. And I enjoyed the September sun. And I packed a bonfire to go. And I fixed dinner for my dog with quiet joy in my heart and focus. I don't know where this is going to take me. I am not comfortable even giving it a chance yet. I know I can't stay where/who I am but I don't know where I am going. Or even where I want to go. Or what I want to do. Don't know. We have a lot of walks to take because that seems to be the place where I listen. And create the different yellow brick road that I DO choose....now where did I put my red shoes?
At 2:25 PM,
Linda Brytak said…
Your prose are appealing, and some of them reflect back at me a shadow of myself.
You are a teacher, an honorable profession. I too am a teacher of one. My child and myself. he is teaching me to let go and I am teaching him to seek rainbows under the stairs.
I hope for your sake and the sake of your wee doggies that you have had a good day.
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