Mississippi Moments

Monday, January 24, 2011

Being deeply touched by things...makes for a succulent life, to be sure.
Whether it be Colleen's music and the synergy of her band members,
or long walks and talks in the dark with my dog and my boy,
or reading faith reflection essays that are written with honesty and singular introspection for this age and stage, or watching a compelling drama of the life work of Mother Teresa and then sharing thoughts and tears over it with members of my Circle,
or reading historical fiction and knowing that there is much better to be read out there,
or looking forward to Rowan's ballet and time to be spent with Loolie,
or teaching with Sara each week at the studio,
or the consistency and focus of the MLT dance classes, the joy in all of this...
or this strong, healthy body, this mind that responds to redirection and gentle nudges,
good self care when headaches and other aches come,
or remembering to Breathe, get Barefoot in the backyard, and smile at the sun...
I have been reading much lately and thinking on Choices and Change. I have written on my fridge board that "Change is natural."--from a Pema Chodron book. (This Buddhist path has many things to consider.)I have always fought change. Any change. With grief and woe and dread and soul energy---this is the first winter that I have invited the opposite in, to have that cup of tea, to make itself comfortable. I am not comfortable with this. To know it better is to live it--whether better or not is not the point. I will not judge it. I intend to acknowledge and be with this. It is a powerful truth. Seems so simple. It is. I am not. I could be. Staying connected to that deep quiet and trusting place inside is one way to be with Change. Pema and many others keep talking about the practice of meditation. We shall see about that one.


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