Mississippi Moments

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Some very good things are happening right now.
Some very hard things are happening right now.
Some very challenging things are happening right now.
Some very confusing things are happening right now.
Some very funny things are happening right now.
Some very unintelligible things are happening right now.
Some very grace-filled things are happening right now.

I wonder how to see the hope-filled things that are happening right now?
I wonder how to see the peace-filled things that are happening right now?
I wonder how to see the joy-filled things that are happening right now?
I wonder how to see the fear-free things that are happening right now?
I wonder how to see the pain-free things that are happening right now?

When I get like this, I just stand, or better yet, sit still, near a tree-friend, in the proximity of my dog, the stars, Mother Earth, My Heart, and I listen. I Breathe.
I Remember. This is all there is. And it is enough. It is perfect.


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