It's as quiet as can be out there this morning.
I've been sitting outside on my side step looking northwest. All is mist. And this familiar zip-zip-zip-whirrrrrr came from the rubus liniatus. I've always thought that sweet morning noise was from chickadees on the roof next door. Nope. Hummingbird having breakfast. Watched for a long while. T'would stop and alight on a branch her eand there--even with Cedar bopping up and down the side yard letting the cats and squirrels know that he was home and out.
We had a lovely, quiet walk this morning. No one out. No cars. Few twinkle lights. Just us and coffee and morning shadows. Occasionally a cat would cross the path ahead and he would start bouncing the "what-for"....
today begins Yuletide. And I get to bring Humminbgird energy and blessings. There really are some Gifts early, early in the day.
At 7:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happens about once a year. Last night coming in from the barn late. Owl sends same to join with hummingbird. UF
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