Mississippi Moments

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I currently have the flu. Day 1. Ugh.
Lydia is going to take the dogs early tomorrow and they will have an overnight and some time on a Field Trip to the Field in Clearview. I am excited for them. Tomorrow, secondgraders from secondgradeland get to dance for the first time in front of a real audience that is not their parents and grandparents. They have learned a shortened version of the Bridge of Athlone, the Meet and Greet "Ringing the Bells" dance, and two "steps" for a stepping out. Two Tara dancers are coming to even things out. It should be lovely and short and we can walk. I hope I can make it. Must make it. We have worked hard for this and I have not had a group of schoolchildren who could truly and cleanly dance (more or less) since Virginia. The dogs are well and happy and fed and having chew-time. Brigie has painted the lavendar room and it is a lovely, warm sage that matches the curtains that Little Feather gave me and also picks up one of the colors in a piece of pastel art that I have been paying on for over a year--which is now in my kitchen awaiting its new home in the "sage room".

Adoption Journey -part 4,312, 591--the FBI clearance came through today. I go see my social worker next week. She is redoing the Homestudy COMPLETELY----this will be NUMBER 4. I will finish the addendum about the cultural resources about raising an African American Child......I snicker a little at this (at the same time I take it seriously) but I list Love, Prayer, My Village, Love and Logic by Cline and Fay, the entire village at Jonestown Family Center, the resources that I found for all the other homestudies including UW, Astrid Pujari, my brother, Bastyr, resources in the local public schools (of which there are many and I would seek them out in a heartbeat), the single parents who are raising African American children that I met in the SOLO parenting group, the friends who are raising children of another culture/race...and bottom line, the friends who are raising children period......oh, and the internet and the resources that Dad has about raising healthy, successful, self-reliant males---Gurion's stuff. O'Dea is now one of a select few of "poster schools of excellence"....There is so much out there!

I am off to bed. It's not far. I've been camping out in my living room for over a month. I just love it. It's like being at Pop's Lake minus the cigarstore Indians on the mantle that are probably worth a fortune on eBay now and who aren't going anywhere because they are already home. Like me.


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