Mississippi Moments

Friday, March 06, 2009

The Beastie Boys are BAACCKKKKK!
(Considering I never knew who the original ones were this probably isn't entirely true.)
For the next 10 days or so, this blog is mostly going to be for Maude and her boys...because one of her boys is here. So picture this----we have already had our first walk with both dogs, ONE ARM (mostly) for 50 minutes in this beautiful morning, three knockout sessions (first one at 3:30 am because I was up sleep-walking again anyway and forgot where I was) of rough/tumble/chase/wrassle/c'mon.....get this old frisbee now that Cedar didn't care about for like a year......tug-o'war, "quit licking my balls, you Weirdo" in pretty clear Airedale speak, and some "c'mon, "Mom" and "Lady, Who's not my Mom, but I like you anyway because you take me for walks and feed me and love on me"--what's next?
In other words, we are fine. My left arm is longer than the other because Hardy Boy is strong (I think you're right about the breed watching how he plays, the strength of his neck, his chest, his voice, and his muscles). Everyone is eating well and doing all their other business just fine. Have fun! We are.......

Today is the Celebration of Life Mass, honor burial, and wake for Mr. O'Grady. One of the finest people Earth and Heaven will ever know. Will be there to honor, pray, and support--esp. Kathleen, Michael, Mrs. O'Grady, the boys, and the entire O'Grady clan. There are no words for their loss.

Then I am working all weekend with assessment and dancing stuff. Teaching classes and calling a concert/ceilidh tomorrow night in Duvall. It should be fun. And I get to hang out with some of the Northwest's finest musicians. Google; Duvall Concert and Ceilidh for directions.

Sunday is the Tara Feile with more of the best musicians, dancers, songsters,and dancers to be had anywhere!

And lots of working and playing with the dogs....I am busting what ass I have. It will certainly be smaller. P.S. BOTH OF THESE BOY-DOGS SNORE!!!!!


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