Mississippi Moments

Monday, June 15, 2009

I likes your hair, Mih Ern. First words from a toddler this morning. Mostly stares.
Had a tornado lesson in how to buckle little people into the safety seats on the bus. Spent the morning singing, drawing, playing kitchen, learning fruits and vegetables, and having snack.

Sports camp in full swing. Soccer with the teenagers for an hour this afternoon. Thankful, so thankful to my father and U.F. for their coaching tips, practice sessions, and diagrams. Then it was back for hands on science and writing with the Jonestown Family Center students. Afterward we were back at the gym for another session of soccer. Then dodgeball.
Back to the Family Center. A little blogging.
Started off in Jonestown with a bang--planting flowers with the Hope Brings Change group and then Clutter into Compost event. Church with full gospel choir on Sunday evening. Met all the HNA volunteers. They are a special group. They don't know what to think of me. I don't fit actually anywhere. I do love this work, soul work. Going to go work out at J Health and Fitness Center.CAn't download photos yet. Have plenty.


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