"People will only see what they are prepared to see"....Ralph Waldo Emerson
So true. So very true.
Just pulled an apple/pear crisp out of the oven. Made hearty vegetable rice soup earlier. Did the dishes. Fed us. Worked on report cards. Painted a bookshelf. Moved another one into the house to get the books out of the basement and out where they belong or on to new homes. Took a door down to the Restore and got a credit for future shopping (yay--new to us light fixture in the nearer future), loaded firewood and kindling, and managed two very long naps, a couple of almost hours on the treadmill walks with the pup, another walk with pup over in Magnolia to the water overlook, a game of Scrabble and finished "Voyage of the Dawn Treader". Had help for much of the schlepping and such. Managed Puppy Kindergarten, too. We are on to Puppy Junior-High as soon as I balance my checkbook. Listened to some critter (probably rat, digging into the basement and banging around boards and the like in the wee hours. Will fish out the traps tomorrow. Not going to play this game again. No rat motel. Not welcome are you or your friends. Am enjoying doing the choreography for Pride and Prejudice at HNA. One more teaching session should do it. Thanks to the Magical Moments diva for the opportunity. I have loved every minute of this. Forgot about how much I love chorepgraphy and working with older students. Because of this, I am checking on some stuff. I did a student teaching rotation in highschool back in the day and it is good for something....this might be the ticket to something. The more I step out of my way, the better things look and are...it's all happened with a shift in how I ask the questions----been reading this great book called "Living Your Best Life". No more information about the problems..the shift happens when the wisdom-access question places the light on the solution. Ex;What do I need to move through this? What have I learned from this to take me to the next step? How do I feel about the next step? Things like this....and it is happening. Had an encounter on Friday afternoon with someone from last year who has taken a mighty, mighty disliking to me and it was jarring...until less than 3 minutes later, a child from this year's class ran up to me in the car line with a gourmet French chocolate with a thank you ribbon and said "Here, my mom said to give you this...and she says THANK YOU." (Just an ordinary Friday!)...and that said, when I had asked myself what I neede to move through that tense, tough moment before, I had thought "tea, chocolate, or a margarita)...Lookee what I got! I am on to bigger stuff with this power now. We shall see.
So true. So very true.
Just pulled an apple/pear crisp out of the oven. Made hearty vegetable rice soup earlier. Did the dishes. Fed us. Worked on report cards. Painted a bookshelf. Moved another one into the house to get the books out of the basement and out where they belong or on to new homes. Took a door down to the Restore and got a credit for future shopping (yay--new to us light fixture in the nearer future), loaded firewood and kindling, and managed two very long naps, a couple of almost hours on the treadmill walks with the pup, another walk with pup over in Magnolia to the water overlook, a game of Scrabble and finished "Voyage of the Dawn Treader". Had help for much of the schlepping and such. Managed Puppy Kindergarten, too. We are on to Puppy Junior-High as soon as I balance my checkbook. Listened to some critter (probably rat, digging into the basement and banging around boards and the like in the wee hours. Will fish out the traps tomorrow. Not going to play this game again. No rat motel. Not welcome are you or your friends. Am enjoying doing the choreography for Pride and Prejudice at HNA. One more teaching session should do it. Thanks to the Magical Moments diva for the opportunity. I have loved every minute of this. Forgot about how much I love chorepgraphy and working with older students. Because of this, I am checking on some stuff. I did a student teaching rotation in highschool back in the day and it is good for something....this might be the ticket to something. The more I step out of my way, the better things look and are...it's all happened with a shift in how I ask the questions----been reading this great book called "Living Your Best Life". No more information about the problems..the shift happens when the wisdom-access question places the light on the solution. Ex;What do I need to move through this? What have I learned from this to take me to the next step? How do I feel about the next step? Things like this....and it is happening. Had an encounter on Friday afternoon with someone from last year who has taken a mighty, mighty disliking to me and it was jarring...until less than 3 minutes later, a child from this year's class ran up to me in the car line with a gourmet French chocolate with a thank you ribbon and said "Here, my mom said to give you this...and she says THANK YOU." (Just an ordinary Friday!)...and that said, when I had asked myself what I neede to move through that tense, tough moment before, I had thought "tea, chocolate, or a margarita)...Lookee what I got! I am on to bigger stuff with this power now. We shall see.
At 7:12 AM,
About Me said…
You are so powerful and beautiful! If you can manifest a chocolate bar, you can manifest ANYTHING. :)
Also...High School. I could see that.
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