As you set out in search of Ithaka
Pray that your journey be long,
full of adventures, full of awakenings.
Do not fear the monsters of old...
You will not meet them in your travels if your thoughts are exalted and remain high,
if authentic passions stir your mind, body, and spirit.
You will not encounter fearful monsters
if you do not carry then within your soul....,
if your soul does not set them up in front of you.--Constantine Peter Cavafy via Sarah Ban Breathnach (Dec. 30th, Simple Abundance)
And another I have on my wall in the kitchen--
Expect this to be a day (year, moment, life)
of Healing, Awareness, Harmony, and Gentle Order.---Naomi C. Rose
Well, Naomi, Sarah, Constantine --I do. I do. I do.
This morning, I woke up late with a start after the first real, longer than 4 hours sleep I've had in months. It was a surprise. The 10 hours sleep and what I awakened to. One of my greatest fears danced right there in the forefront of my consciousness like the mice at the beginning of the PNB Nutcracker--just without the little lamps and no wee door built into the curtain. It was like Scrooge watching his dead self on the bed listening to the grubby people talk. It had all the force of the feelings and emptiness plus orchestra. I said "yes' to it, acknowledged it and then said what I say and mean every morning (Thank you, God, for this amazing day). Poof**. It didn't magically go away but the power to hurt, intimidate, interfere, and suck energy did. Because I Know what I Know. Shit happens. And so does God. And God is what's Real for me. It was time for coffee, pupcare, and walk. And I did my "flies drawn to uncovered potato salad" thing and found every twinkle light in a 5 block radius until I was out of coffee and P-Man was ready for breakfast.
If you want to start this new year off with a wee bang, check out people of walmart.com. Cut and paste the link if you so choose but be forewarned. This is our America. These folks are real and really out there. It kind of put things in a different perspective.
I am going to join the Walking Meditation today at Greenlake. It starts at 3 pm at the Community Center.
My Heart is holding and sending Love to so many.
Especially Uncle Vic, Jean, Little Feather, the families and beloveds of our fallen officers, kids without forever families, families without kids that want and wait, to places that need Peace.
We happened across one of our neighbors and dog this morning. She was walking a cone-head, too. Their family has been hit hard by cancer this year and the outcome will likely be Patrick Swayze ending before long. Somehow we have a connection. I don't wish. And I don't wish Happy New Year. I told her that I Pray and Hold a Peaceful New Year. She smiled and mirrored the same. I'm Sharing that Sacred Moment in the presence of the coned ones with you. With Our Love. And God help me to remember NEVER to lean over in the Super Walmart in Clarksdale.
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