"How do you raise a child who is not only a child, but is also God?...we see in Mary a woman who was willing to step back from her own dreams and plans and allow God to work through her life---to the very limit! She walked in such humble submission to God that her reply to the angel's announcement came naturally to her lips:"I am the Lord's servant...May it be done to me as you have said."(Luke 1:38) Fears on A Silent Night, Thomas and Nanette Kinkaide
Having one of the most tender and calm Christmas Eves in my remembering life. Could be that I am fighting exhaustion and a cold. Could be that I just happen to be in the midst of a tender, calm celebration. My little black and white buddy has been at my side all day. The pie-making, gift-wrapping, song-singing, tea-sipping, winter-napping, story-reading, wood-stacking, dog-walking activities of this day are just the thing for resting and thinking and wondering....when all is calm and all is bright.
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