Rest in Peace, Uncle Vic.
I am wearing my Thunderbirds Soccer jacket and raising my cup of tea toward the ocean tonight in the backyard while this Sheltie of mine rams his conehead into the bamboo and barfs in between because his dinner didn't settle. I miss you not being here. I thank you for being my first soccer coach. I thank you for teaching me not to fear. I thank you for those rides in the back of the old blue truck down Dravus hill on the way home from practice so we would bounce! I thank you for introducing me to my Sheltie addiction and to RV's. I thank you for being such a good example of generosity, integrity, gritty humor, candor, and damn good salmon fishing. I thank you for how you loved Auntie Jan and your children. I love how you laughed from your belly. And it reached your eyes. I love how welcomed I always was. I am thankful that you are not in pain anymore. I am thankful that I can be of support to those who are still here missing you and for whom life won't be the same. I prefer to think of where you are now as the HELLO DOOR instead of the GOOD-BYE DOOR. And only for awhile. Here's To You, Uncle. Someday soon I will laugh just like you. But for now, the tears need to have their say.
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