The ALL CLEAR from the good and capable folks at Cancer Care Alliance.
I was in a crabbtastic mood. They made it easier and quick. And then I got to sit around in a stoned state until it wore off and look out over Lake Union and copy meaningful quotes and websites into my journal. Reading was really out of the question.
I like to hear Magical Strings on the headphones when I am in the MRI tube. I hate it in there. But I know it is for a very good reason. The team today called me "Ms. Wellness". And said to see them in another 1/2 year. That works for me.
And more on the good news front:
At the dog park today, Porter actually played in a healthy, normal, goofy dog way with other dogs in age and size. They were playing chase and hide and wrassle and bounce off. None of this trying to mount other dogs and posturing around the other "alphas" or undo sniffing of genitalia without responding appropriately to given cues, without Airedale vocalizations which put other dogs and their people off--today our dog played like a dog--with dogs! We are setting up for more success.
Scottish Country Set Dancing was rare fun last night at Phinney. Another Bucket List item checked off except I expect to continue with it. I enjoyed the people, the community, the tea break, the yacking, the dissonance as they argue over the form and figure of dances, the rigidity, the figures and dance tunes and styles themselves. Fletcher was a trooper to come and try it out. We will see what he chooses for future dance times there. Me, I am going to pull out my kilt or borrow Mom's from when I was in college. Seems kind of heavy for the dancing, though.
Tara classes for me got off toa positive start this year this evening.
And the news from the O'Grady Graham family is that P.J. has been diagnosed with Limb Girdle Type 2 Muscular Dystrophy. She and Michael are genetic carriers of this. At least it is not Duchene's which impacts life expectancy severely. Our love, prayers, and support for this dear, dear family are to be continued. At least from this Heart and this Cottage. With fierce consistency.
I am subbing for English classes all day tomorrow at a local highschool. I am excited.
Then I get to teach more dance with Sara. Lovely, lovely.
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