"What is this Beauty the Navajo seek?
...It is what calls us when we despair,
seduces us into opening again and again
to the possibility of love and laughter...it is the physical Manifestation of the Mystery---Spirit---that surrounds and beckons to us
every day of our lives."---Oriah Mountain Dreamer
"I want to be awed everyday by the truth--pretty or painful--and let it open me to the beauty that surrounds me and draws me deeper and deeper in to my own life."--Oriah, The Invitation, p. 77
The dog is asleep underneath a "cave" of socks and towels on the drying rack. We are just home from an extended camping trip that I extended even more. Time to unpack, clean things up, and put 'em away. We had a great time. It is so nice to do the Point No Point tradition in our own ways. And it all evens out and contributes to "THE" story. Brenin put a bee in my bonnet about writing "THE" No Point No Point story. I have begun. We shall see what unfolds. Perhaps my father would paint some illustrations or even the children themselves. Hmmm.......
I learned how to make Amish skillet "potpie" yesterday. Hearty. Tasty. Loved taking time to do that and gather the ingredients. Today is homemade bread and apple pie. And lots of housework.
Made sure that yesterday was full of enjoyable moments, one right after the other. And was surprised by a few that weren't planned. I also really value the time right now to
putter and rest. Already my usual "you gots to move it, move it and quickly and organizedly and with all the stuff that you might need" has amped down so much that I almost don't recognize myself. My big goal for the week is to get another corner of the garden dejungled, to write my friend in Egypt a snail letter, to keep walking Porter in the rain, to continue having daily harp practice and playtime...and to nourish my mind and soul with good reading. Cups of tea, cozy fires, journaling, and naps round out this challenging life.
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