Mississippi Moments

Monday, February 14, 2011

Where are you going this wet winter morning?
All of ye birds--should be back in bed with a cup of tea.
Instead, we have already been out and about and amuck, amuck, amuck in the rain and soft wind and dark and now it is time to go and find some people and help them become interested in the text features of nonfiction and how to use them.

'Morning, said she, I am a-rovin'
over one bridge, up a hill, and over to the edge.
Where I'll find my aunt, and say a prayer
for all our Beloveds everywhere.

This working for a living has its ups and downs.
Mostly ups.
And lots of perks (and pokes) from the Universe.
At least, I get to drive to school.
I don't have to rent an egg.


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