"Better Lovers of the World, We're Gonna Be..."---Michael Tomlinson
"Sun! O Radiant Sun!
Great gift of the Creator of Light!
We claim the passion in our bones!
We embrace the fire in our soul!
O fertile hope and dreams awaken!
Let us rejoice in this longest day of light!
Sun! Radiant Sun!----Joyce Rupp and Macrina Wiederkehr (Circle of Life, p. 158)
My Heart will be with Mary J. camping today up in Deception Pass.
My Head will be at SPU with the rest of me, learning more about working smarter not harder with the middleschool contingency.
(Note to self: It is pretty cool to receive the research affirming all the "nutty" stuff and techniques I have been using for years and to receive the tweaks needed to make them more worthwhile for this age and stage. The presenters keep calling middleschool "Hormone Heaven"...alrighty then.:)
Solstice with my black and white little buddy. Long, wonderful walk this morning. He is healthy. I am healthy. We are safe. We are strong. We are happy. We are enjoying Life. We belong. I am thankful. He is who he is.
We bought a truck this week. We are looking for a small, pop-up camper to put on the back. The truck has 4 seatbelts, small enough so I can drive it comfortably and safely. Looking forward to camping with this set up. One piece at a time.
Back on the adoption path. Doing paperwork. Getting fingerprinted. Getting things notarized. It is what it is.
The presenters at my workshop this week have said more than a few times that Dogs needs to be licensed. Teachers need to be licensed, updated, relicensed, etc...and Birth Parents don't..
It is Solstice. Time for Open Hearts. Time for Light. Time for Warmth. Time for Healing. My take is that I am thankful for another special day from Creator and it is always time for all of the above.
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