Mississippi Moments

Monday, June 06, 2011

I have lived another year to see just how delicate and beautiful the lacy flowers of the elderberry are. Thank you, Source.

I am also managing to endure the endings into beginnings of 8th graders...oi.

6th graders are fairly even-keeled for this time of year. They are counting days (which is workable) rather than back-counting seconds (which is distracting and annoying).

Ancient Rome here we are. Stepping stone haiku poetry here are are. Historical fiction here we be. Book of Judges--yup-Samson and Delilah--all about integrity and whom you choose for your friends and trusted ones.

Porter was on the mend for 13 wonderful, near-normal days, and then he had a relapse on Thursday. It has gotten worse since then with today being the worst, but this is becoming part of the way his life/needs are now. Maybe someday, we can enjoy the simplicity of a bag of dogfood and clean water with a chewie or treat now and again. If not, we will remember what it was like and be thankful that he is not diabetic or worse. He has two kidneys. I need to remember that. One ball. Two kidneys. Two brain cells that fire too well at times. He's OUR DOG and we love him!

We met with our social worker this past week. The last foray into adoptionland has begun. Poor Fletcher--his jaw was on the floor and his eyes were almost bugged out as each hoop was discussed. There were jokes made on the other end of the line about a couple that was being worked with that was on their FIFTH Homestudy. OH, this is just Number 4 for me, Number 1 for Fletcher. ALl in all, we will know by July 14th where we are and what plans to make from there.

The remodel/knock-down is in the finance search phase. We are making serious inquiries. That, too, is a process.

My health is excellent. I have some summer healthy brain and learners classes to look forward to. We are planning a little Oregon getaway mid-summer. I will be doing some online research.

These precious, light mornings at 4:30 are wonderful. Waking quietly, softly, gently while walking and listening and talking with Source. These are golden Breath moments. It does feel so good to be warm. On the outside.


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