The Singing Darkness
filled me with melodies
until I became a song.
The Singing Darkness
carried me into the dawn and
sent me forth to sing my own song.---Macrina Wiederkehr (The Singing Darkness)
I just love it when I am out walking on these cold, wet mornings and I run into a friend who is also out walking her animal buddy. I had a lovely conversation with a new-to-me neighbor about his thriving heather. Just beautiful. I watched a couple of robins trilling back and forth. When the sky is just beginning to lighten up, the silhouettes of the trees and their buds are striking, actually and symbolically to me.
Porter has a ton of this "greening" energy. So do the children. I am learning that middleschool children are more direct channels of the power of the Mother's Energy.
It has made me curl up and snuggle back under covers for one last winter's nap. It is interesting to watch what it does to the boys. I have had to pull out a few old tools with facial expressions and select phrases. I also have pulled out John Wooden and his Core Character Personal Navigation Points and Leadership Guidance. Powerful stuff. The proof is in the pudding. The walk. All about the walk.
Porter continues to improve. We spend much of Sunday eve making this special dog "mash" with chicken, green beans, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, brown rice, potatoes, apple cider vinegar--and he won't eat it....that's what he thinks! He will get hungry enough. We made enough to feed him through the next few weeks.
I am learning some lessons again about balance. And about how to shield from the news and upsets of the world around me. I guess I always will. The harp calls. So do all the books I brought back from Powell's. And responses in faith journals from children who have read Ecclesiastes who want to know why God affirms a time for war and killing? I said I have the very same questions in my Heart. I can't wait to talk with my Dad about this one.
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