Mississippi Moments

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Somebody has said there are only two kinds of people in the world. There are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lord," and there are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good Lord, it's morning."---shared from our harp friend, Avis:)

Spent the day at Cancer care Alliance--ALL CLEAR!This is the third year mark.
I send this Healthy Mojo out from me to where the Healing is needed most. And the Gratitude. I have to go back soon to have skin spots looked at and they found a lump in my left breast, but as I come from lumpy people who don't willingly or readily give up caffeine, this does not concern me yet. I have been officially inducted into My Caregivers' Group called "Team WELLNESS!" That's why the appointments are still at the end of the day--so we can all leave on a happy note.

I spent the first half of the day in a different section of the care center. There were different caregivers and nurses in there. There is an mandatory observation time after the scans. As I was waiting, I talked with one of the new to me nurses. I asked her why she chose to work in this place and in this field. What follows is a "take your shoes off for you are standing on holy ground" conversation.

She said that she had a hard time finding words for it but it came down to this. Everyone who comes in to the "cancer care" section brought a story, a powerful story, stories that were full of pain, disappointment, hope, lots of humor, attitudes-some positive, some quiet, some defiant against the cancer, some full of hope even though it was a given someone wasn't going live through the treatment but was choosing to continue so that their experience would help someone down the line--she said somewhat apologetically--that is was because this work in this place was FULL OF GRACE! She then said she didn't mean it in a religious sense and I started to laugh and I said that Grace didn't exist apart from Spirit! And that I understood her perfectly. She got quiet and looked at me for a long time and I shared my experience of finding Life-giving Moments, Situations, Words, Energies, LIFE--in everything now. Even the shit.She said I got it. And I knew I had. And I was glad I had my shoes off.

Porter has a major dog version of a stomach ulcer. He also has a severe food intolerance. We will be finding out what it will take to keep him alive and healthy over the next couple of months. We know chicken and potatoes seem to be working. Christmas lights, mouse poop, and suction cups for twinkle lights-nope. Green beans, perhaps, cottage cheese the same, and rice. Grace. I have a job. Three of them. We can do this. We will find the ways....And I am still too drugged to edit any of this. Good night.


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