And on the sixth day...THEY PLAYED SOCCER! Thanks to Miz Julie, the Sister Coach with just the right ideas for making the drills fun and short. They were also able to scrimmage in a manner that did NOT resemble amoeba soccer (although we don't have anything against the amoeba of the world)...they played 5 on 5 and we subbed in two at a time every two minutes. There were no broken bones, no blood, and only one "Bummer"...I inadvertently let one side have six on at a time for a bit until it was pointed out to me! And that took two translations because Jalissa was mad and was talking so fast... The Girls to Women are also working on dance team routines and some cheer stuff. I don't even try the moves this year, but I am appreciating the creative process although while they are engaged in it, it sounds to me like they are screaming at each other and about to rip each other's throats out...but not the case.
I must tell Miz Turi that I have discovered "Sweet Honey in the Rock", and I play it every morning in the Learning Center before anyone gets here when it's peaceful. That's some spirit-filling, heart-healing, goosebump-growin' kind of music!
This morning, it was more like "Olive Oil on the Bricks"...when we gathered with the Rev. Barry and other townsfolk this morning for the Jericho Jonestown walk, we brought oil to anoint all the buildings, esp. the ones in the hands of the Devil and the abandoned ones that are not so abandoned at night...we sang, prayed, and walked together. Tomorrow, we are bringing paint to paint out the gang tags and the bad words. The group tripled in size from Sunday, and who knows what tomorrow will bring.
I am enjoying going to the Fitness and Health Center after work each day. They have just started Kid Aerobics twice a week and yesterday, 15 kids came! It was full and they were Tai-Bo-ing their little Jonestown hearts out! I have been doing the stair-stepper and the Walk the Weight Off video with other women so that come this Yuletide, I won't have a heart attack if I happen to forget my nylons again and my sisters make me wear white socks with the Tara dress again...I always can hope for black tights, but even so, I am starting to discover muscles that have been hidden for the past year and a half.
A Sheltie puppy came to me in my dreams last was the first morning I haven't woken up that my first thought was "My dear dogs are dead and my house is empty"...I'm back to "Thank you, GOd, for this most amazing day..."
I must tell Miz Turi that I have discovered "Sweet Honey in the Rock", and I play it every morning in the Learning Center before anyone gets here when it's peaceful. That's some spirit-filling, heart-healing, goosebump-growin' kind of music!
This morning, it was more like "Olive Oil on the Bricks"...when we gathered with the Rev. Barry and other townsfolk this morning for the Jericho Jonestown walk, we brought oil to anoint all the buildings, esp. the ones in the hands of the Devil and the abandoned ones that are not so abandoned at night...we sang, prayed, and walked together. Tomorrow, we are bringing paint to paint out the gang tags and the bad words. The group tripled in size from Sunday, and who knows what tomorrow will bring.
I am enjoying going to the Fitness and Health Center after work each day. They have just started Kid Aerobics twice a week and yesterday, 15 kids came! It was full and they were Tai-Bo-ing their little Jonestown hearts out! I have been doing the stair-stepper and the Walk the Weight Off video with other women so that come this Yuletide, I won't have a heart attack if I happen to forget my nylons again and my sisters make me wear white socks with the Tara dress again...I always can hope for black tights, but even so, I am starting to discover muscles that have been hidden for the past year and a half.
A Sheltie puppy came to me in my dreams last was the first morning I haven't woken up that my first thought was "My dear dogs are dead and my house is empty"...I'm back to "Thank you, GOd, for this most amazing day..."
At 8:43 AM,
About Me said…
Five on Five with subs every two minutes? That's not soccer, that's hockey! Woo!
And Sweet Honey in the Rock has been a favourite of mine for Quite Some Time. I'm glad you've found them. Next up you should try Ladysmith Black Mambazo if you haven't already.
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