I didn't quit my job. Thought about it. Very hard. Saw the principal. Had some questions answered. Raised some more that couldn't be answered. Have to trust my gut. Feeling like a coward because I cried while making my points about a colleague...but I made my points. About my truth. I'm not berating myself but I make a lousy Christian. I'm glad like to learn because this is going to be a long haul breaking and remaking these pieces of my Heart, Will, and Life. I like to hold hands while I'm learning, too. Glad Jesus does, too. No one has to understand this because I do.
I quit counting after 8 herons yesterday--counting the ones at Shilshole, Pine Lake, and the wetlands by the UW.
Still feeling bad in waves, head in a bucket times....it comes and goes.
I am excited about Folklife this year. I am in pretty good shape on the inside and the outside:).
Very thankful to have had time with family of origin and family of choice yesterday. Came home to a huge fuschia basket on the front porch from one of the families at school wishing me Happy Mother's Day. It made me cry.
Talked with the adoption counselor today. I heard right. It will be 3 years for a healthy girl. Would I consider Hepatitis B or HIV positive....that is what is mostly available for "waiting children"...we talked about just a kid to love....there are many options there....we will talk more.
I read a poem today called "Divine Chaos"..."This is your gentle reminder that you are not in control, that someone is looking out for you, wanting to get your attention-and, most importantly, that when life does not go as planned, it is, always, is a good thing. It has changed your perspective; it has given you an open door to meet someone new, let someone help you and reconnect you to life."
Well, Universe, my Love, I am already plugged in and reconnected. It doesn't get anymore ready than this. I am not getting any younger. My Heart, my Life, my Everything is OPEN for this........BRING IT ON!
We got the grant for the summer school program in Mississippi for this year. This is a good thing. The bad thing is the staff down there didn't take me seriously when I said I wasn't going to be the only adult in the water this year for the swimming lessons. I told Miz Sister Teresa that she needed to have a staff meeting at the Super Wal-MArt in Clarkesdale and get those girls/ladies some swimsuits....
I quit counting after 8 herons yesterday--counting the ones at Shilshole, Pine Lake, and the wetlands by the UW.
Still feeling bad in waves, head in a bucket times....it comes and goes.
I am excited about Folklife this year. I am in pretty good shape on the inside and the outside:).
Very thankful to have had time with family of origin and family of choice yesterday. Came home to a huge fuschia basket on the front porch from one of the families at school wishing me Happy Mother's Day. It made me cry.
Talked with the adoption counselor today. I heard right. It will be 3 years for a healthy girl. Would I consider Hepatitis B or HIV positive....that is what is mostly available for "waiting children"...we talked about just a kid to love....there are many options there....we will talk more.
I read a poem today called "Divine Chaos"..."This is your gentle reminder that you are not in control, that someone is looking out for you, wanting to get your attention-and, most importantly, that when life does not go as planned, it is, always, is a good thing. It has changed your perspective; it has given you an open door to meet someone new, let someone help you and reconnect you to life."
Well, Universe, my Love, I am already plugged in and reconnected. It doesn't get anymore ready than this. I am not getting any younger. My Heart, my Life, my Everything is OPEN for this........BRING IT ON!
We got the grant for the summer school program in Mississippi for this year. This is a good thing. The bad thing is the staff down there didn't take me seriously when I said I wasn't going to be the only adult in the water this year for the swimming lessons. I told Miz Sister Teresa that she needed to have a staff meeting at the Super Wal-MArt in Clarkesdale and get those girls/ladies some swimsuits....
At 8:14 AM,
About Me said…
I say this every day - to others and to myself - and it continues to be true.
Things have a funny way of working out for the best.
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