Rowan had the crowds ROARING at Folklife this year!
Our shows were well received and drew fairly large crowds. Sat. night was the night of the best of the beer garden in addition to the listeners who gathered to jam with the McKassons and Sunday drew the Magical Strings faithful. Our new outifts are classy, simple and cool. The Tara jackets with our names make me feel like one of the Pink Ladies in Grease except we are the Black, Gold, and Green Ladies. I am in great shape right now on the outside and that is making a huge difference in how I perceive myself when I am dancing and how things fit and how I breathe...I can, fairly easily. I was uptight about meeting N-I didn't nor did I sense him. Today I spent the rest of the day poking around here, playing with LIttle Man, watching old and bad movies (the first Pink Panther and the Ugly Dachsund-both a waste of my time)...the Ugly D- was funny when I was a kid but since the humor of the entire movie is based on stupid people who leave their new puppies unsupervised around dangerous and unaccaptable playthings for dogs, I couldn't get past the first 20 minutes...pathetic and then there is a cop in the movie who laughs uproariously at the idea of dogs actually being "the family"...get a grip, you jerk! What do you think dogs are????? The best one was watching the first part of a Channel 9 documentary on the Windsors. I learned a whole lot more today about the dysfunctional patterns in that family, most reflected in how they treat their children, how Edward the VII was NOT a nice guy...he was a Nazi sympathizer and so was Wallace Simpson. Had he remained King, there would have been a very different outcome to WWII. Planned to mow today but the wet kept that at bay...can't say I was disappointed. I needed to have a complete day to myself. I ended up going to Thai with Julie after the show and it was a desire come true after several months, maybe years. We enjoyed ourselves...or at least, I did. I won't speak for her. I am so glad her work and other things are bringing her satisfaction and life...maybe will will see Miz Jooleee in Jonestown in a couple of summers. Well, Squishy is trying to make a bathroom rug into several pieces so I must go intercept him. As Sunday is grooming day, we have already had a "battle" about who really is TOP DOG. It's the bitch with too much hairgel in her locks, the one with the prehensile adaptation who can therefore use the scissors, and the one with the treats in her pockets......
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