The Medieval Women's concert last night was out of this world. In every sense.
Picture yourself in a sacred space, a place, time, experience, impression, or feeling in which there is only Oneness, Fusion with the Source, The Peace. Imagine and sense the flow of Healing, Hope, Peace, Love, and Potentiality (Greening) slipping around and through your Being. The tastes, textures, scents, scenes all speak to your Heart of Time standing still and what the Greeks called "Kairos". That was the concert last night. And Turi looked beautiful---there is a joy and light about her when she sings. It was nourishing to be there and sharing with friends-Val, Avis, Bernard, Joan and Jane. We are already talking season tickets for next year's season which purports to be stunning. I am thinking my parents would like tickets for a Christmas present. The ending of the concert was surreal---all the women standing around the altar in various guises and hues of red, their voices twisting and blending in a fountain of energy and life bridging across a milennia and the lights fading out until only the deep reds of the textile art from the ceiling were highlighted. The effect was profound.
Stopped by the Gallaghers 'music and dance gathering last night. Those are so life-giving and so much fun. Wish we could have stayed but can't be two places at one time. I always enjoy being around and talking with Alicia Gunn. Not only is she an elf or old-soul fairy in human garb, she has this open heart, open spirit about her that draws you in and makes you feel totally at home with or without a cup of tea in hand. That's just how she is. On top of that, she is an amazing dancer and teacher. She is now pursuing a dream of teaching dance and facilitating sean-nos dancing in the manner of the olden days' dance masters-with workshops and dance lessons from town to town and time to time. I hope it goes and I support her in this. Sean-nos dancing is what step-dancing once was...expressive, playful, grounded, flexible, non-harming and corsetting, stylistically folk, and just plain fun. It's hard, too, so if you want to build dendrytes (sp?) and go for the healthy-brain thing, sean-nos is for you! I plan to do more.
Squishy and I went for a walk in the wind and spit-rain at Shilshole this morning. Sea-birds, Canadian geese, a heron, lots of small songbirds, some folks walking, some folks biking, some folks picking up trash off the beach, a couple of other dogs, boats heading out for a day on the water, me, my dog, and my monkey-mind. And a cup of coffee.
Harp-Boy is a no go. Glad to have almost finished "He's Not That Into You". It's good to know that they exist out there, on my street even. And I told him so and left it at that. Got the polite reply back. Moving on.
Don't know what I want or where I want to be. This Cloud of Unknowing. Holy Ground. Tried a few steps down a couple of different paths and found that the Universe said "Nope". Okay, let's try another one. Not sure where or what now. When I get quiet inside and ask, I get the Doctorate piece rather strongly. Ok. I also get the "Quit your job and live VERY simply for awhile so you can listen and breathe. Ok. Thinking about that one. My first "sabbatical" wasn't one. Just because you call a cat a ladybug doesn't make it so. Also when I think about writing a book, a story in my own manner somewhat shadowly like Annie LaMott, I get that same clear picture and peace. My Dreams are confirming this. Although last night, I was so deep into somwhere, I have no recollection...which isn't usual. Those are the nights I know I am being instructed. I like that kind of "night school"... I always am so completely rested.
For now, it's off to do some school work. Then to Emily's First Holy Communion. Time to play with Squishy and then it's to the U street fair to help with the harp booth and then out to dinner with the harp camp family.
p.s. I love toasted cheese sandwiches and soup.
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