Mississippi Moments

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hazel sticks, grazing elk, twittering, buzzing kingfishers, and a very happy Sheltie bounding about in an overgrown garden.
The kittens and Mama weren't real happy about Squishy being there and he doesn't behave very well yet around them, but we are working on it. Had a lovely time with Will and L.F. and grounded again in the quiet, in the center. Just as I was complaining about wanting to run away comes the equally powerful and delightful revelation that I feel at Home in a lot of special places, not the least of which is the Field and Gray's Harbor County. Me and Squishy.
We're just back from our trip to Gray's Harbor and the North River Valley with a load of walking sticks from Little Feather's hazel grove. I forget how wonderful it can be to be in a place where the only sounds are the stars twinkling and the water droplets dripping off of young alders. There might be an occasional shuffle or twistle in the dry canary grass from a vole, mouse, or other varmint. Mist covered the valley this morning and we enjoyed quality time with good coffee, sharings, and prayer before coming back to Ballard. Time for a quick shower and then it's back to work and up to HNA to meet with the chapel coordinator. Then doctor's appointment.


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