Don't laugh. I was so out of it and tired last night that I went to bed with my apron on and woke up with it on!
I am making a cozy thermos of coffee, Erin-style, to take to work today.
I still have this cold/aches/rock-stiff neck/energy-sapper crud. I have chosen not to work out for almost a week (first time in oh, say, over a year and a half). It is what it is.
It's not been a bad or hard week. The work has been good. The kids a little off the wall.
I understand that on a day when I was missing my mother, she was actually across the parking lot from me with Mary J. waving their arms trying to get my attention and what was I doing--why, trying to understand why 6 year old girls want certain boys to get "sexy" with them and then said six-year old boys, run and try to catch said girls. Brings me right back to some dude named Adam and his girl. These boys don't have a clue or a chance. When they are 6 or 36. So I did what the wisest of us do, pulled out Ramona and read the chapter about her trying to catch dear little Davey because he was just so lovable and then pulled out the Steps to Respect and we went over how we show affection at school in okay ways. Still isn't working. Then we go to Sister Patricia Maureen land--you will write this simple statement until it goes through the pencil into your brain and if that doesn't work, we make the sentence longer so, oh I'm sorry, Your recess, it's over that took so long. Then we finish with Dr. Phil-How did that work for you?
I have had three argument appointments this week (I only argue at 12:15 and 3:15)-same kid. Mostly, he just doesn't like school. It's too long,.it cuts into his Youtube time at home. And building Star Wars stuff with Legos. Could I say use my powers (his words not mine) to getus out at 2pm on Mondays and Thursdays (when he doesn't have to share the computer with his big brother) and could I cut the homework down. (He has about 8 minutes a night). I said I woultd take a look at the HW thing and I couldn't do anything about the other one. I asked him about the note he was choosing to write and he got this aghast look on his face-"I thought YOU were going to write the note?!" I said no, it's your problem. The we had a conversation about how he thinks he can't write. I said that wasn't true. ANd he actually agreed. Would I help him with the big words. I said yes. I wish you could see these moments of Heaven right here. This stuff matters so much I can't remember to put on my pj's before I go to bed.
I agree. School cuts into my Sheltie ball time. Actually, I love school. It's what keeps me sane. It also gives me other things--like the crud.
Enjoy this wet, cool, October day.
I am making a cozy thermos of coffee, Erin-style, to take to work today.
I still have this cold/aches/rock-stiff neck/energy-sapper crud. I have chosen not to work out for almost a week (first time in oh, say, over a year and a half). It is what it is.
It's not been a bad or hard week. The work has been good. The kids a little off the wall.
I understand that on a day when I was missing my mother, she was actually across the parking lot from me with Mary J. waving their arms trying to get my attention and what was I doing--why, trying to understand why 6 year old girls want certain boys to get "sexy" with them and then said six-year old boys, run and try to catch said girls. Brings me right back to some dude named Adam and his girl. These boys don't have a clue or a chance. When they are 6 or 36. So I did what the wisest of us do, pulled out Ramona and read the chapter about her trying to catch dear little Davey because he was just so lovable and then pulled out the Steps to Respect and we went over how we show affection at school in okay ways. Still isn't working. Then we go to Sister Patricia Maureen land--you will write this simple statement until it goes through the pencil into your brain and if that doesn't work, we make the sentence longer so, oh I'm sorry, Your recess, it's over that took so long. Then we finish with Dr. Phil-How did that work for you?
I have had three argument appointments this week (I only argue at 12:15 and 3:15)-same kid. Mostly, he just doesn't like school. It's too long,.it cuts into his Youtube time at home. And building Star Wars stuff with Legos. Could I say use my powers (his words not mine) to getus out at 2pm on Mondays and Thursdays (when he doesn't have to share the computer with his big brother) and could I cut the homework down. (He has about 8 minutes a night). I said I woultd take a look at the HW thing and I couldn't do anything about the other one. I asked him about the note he was choosing to write and he got this aghast look on his face-"I thought YOU were going to write the note?!" I said no, it's your problem. The we had a conversation about how he thinks he can't write. I said that wasn't true. ANd he actually agreed. Would I help him with the big words. I said yes. I wish you could see these moments of Heaven right here. This stuff matters so much I can't remember to put on my pj's before I go to bed.
I agree. School cuts into my Sheltie ball time. Actually, I love school. It's what keeps me sane. It also gives me other things--like the crud.
Enjoy this wet, cool, October day.
At 5:39 PM,
JeanBean said…
Oho! That love and logic moment was beautiful! Sure wish I could have used it on a beg. reading student Tuesday night! No time or space to step back and ask questions even. Jeesh! So glad you are having those moments.
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