Concerned, with Love and Support, with what is going down and up 5 flights in NYC.
Humidity---BAH! I know that one. BAH!
I got my first sinus infection with sore throat, teeth ache, fatigue, and your-hair- hurts. I'm learning so much about my body this year.
We did Compost 101 in firstgradeland. Mmmmmm---organic garbage. They also learned the word "pungent".
Tomorrow will be a day. And we know what Jesus tells about that.....I need to go find some lilies....wait! That's easy. I have Montana prairie right in my front garden right now. There are lilies and poppies out there, along with chickweed, a lanky rugosa (sp?), and foxtails. That will change shortly.
Tine for bed. Squishy is fine. sleepy.
I got an invite today to go in a private plane up to the San Juans for dinner when school is out with one of the firstgradeland families. Wow. And another one to one of the best places on earth, Brinnon, with this great cabin and great people. And Mary J. wants to go camping out at Pine Lake-Heaven on Earth for me. Universe is listening----camping may not happen in the traditional ways but local, wonderful adventures are already flowing in......now, where are the lilies? Or poppies in a pinch? I have some gawking to do in the waning evening light. Sweet Dreams, Beloveds.
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