Feast of the Cosmic 2x4 Moment...or Blessed Feast of the Epiphany
"Pick an epiphany, any epiphany..."
Have you ever tried to 'splain "epiphany" to a bunch of 7/8 year olds? We did the traditional look-it-up-in-the-dictionary thing. No lights on there. nope. Tried again-using THE STORY--Magi, their Epiphany-Our epiphany--finding a Truth about the Bigger than Ourselves in something simple, ordinary, natural like a baby, with his mom in a stinky stable. Still, no light. nope. Then I tried somethings from their experience--like when you learned to really READ or when you realized you COULD snowboard without plowing with your face everytime or....and Praise the Almighty!
When it was time to summarize for the record, everybody wrote "gotcha moment"
Today we will add....."about God and You and Your Life":)
Me, I am just happy to have done the Curves thing this morning. Happy to know that I think too much and try too hard. Happy that I sleep the sleep of the dead at this time of winter and only wake up for about 15 minutes throughout the day to use the bathroom and blow my nose. Driving-hah. That's a joke. Teaching anything--autopilot. Happily, but autopilot. Don't let me fool you or me. :) I guess it's not going to the Po' Folks/Royal Fork style buffet of epiphanies...or maybe it is. Choose yourself a "gotcha moment", an epiphany. Me, I think they pick you.I found mine in the compost I was digging yesterday and the doghair in my coffee. And lemon soap. And tears. And friends. Or calls and emails from friends. And good Thai food with zero stars. And living life with no fear.And prayer. And clean underwear and socks. I guess it's up to you if you pick up the plate or not. Set down the gold, frankincense and myrrh please. You will need both hands and your heart.
p.s. Two other teachers came down the hall yesterday to ask me where they could get Colleen's CD and how come I haven't put up a poster about her concert coming up (Do we have any? Can I make one?) Word is getting out. I need more CD's. I'm on that. And I want to hear Turi sing again--sooner rather than later. I wonder when she will make her CD?I bet she will wear one HOT handknit sweater on her cover with rad boots that fit her calves just right. Photo shoot from Paris.
At 12:50 PM,
About Me said…
Ha! See? I told you you'd have to remind me...
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