"And now, Doctor, we've done our work, so it's time we had some play. A sandwich and a cup of coffee, and then off to violin-land, where all is sweetness and delicacy and harmony, and there are no red-headed clients to vex us with their conundrums."--Sherlock Holmes to Doctor Watson, A. Conan Doyle
Having a week of what most natural redheads have. What you say? Conundrums, of course. Elementary, my Dear Reader. I might have to look up that word again. It sounds like it fits, though.
Teaching a lot of dance for my frame, age, stage, and brainage. Enjoying the challenge. Looking forward to getting into the rhythm of it. Walking around a lot of lakes and trails these days, noticing and enjoying the subtle and not so subtle changes of autumn.
Learning the lesson that unless one is passive, one cannot receive. If one cannot receive, then one cannot be replenished. And this is not on a time schedule. It is not a waste of time also, to be still, to be quiet, to wait and rest. This is a toughie. I wonder if I am the first Raney/Surridge/O'Grady?Bernhardt woman who has ever chosen to make time to rest and replenish while not out on a wellness hardship or something? (Pregnancy doesn't count.)
Looking forward to Colleen and her singing at Conor Byrne's Sat. night. Going to get there early for a good seat and a game of Scrabble. With my husband. Haven't seen him too much this week. Porter has enjoyed a few good, long jaunts this week, some puppy playtimes, and a trip to the vet. He is in tip-top shape. Had him evaluated by another behavorist--nothing wrong with him. He is a confidant, male, happy, loves to play, not a bully Sheltie. with a ton of energy. So we are off for another walk--with Stella Artois in my coffee mug!:)
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