Mississippi Moments

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You CAN go "Home" again....
Here are two thoughts I'd like to share that jumped off the page and into my Heart while observing a class at my new place of blood, sweat, and joy:

"Joy is a net of love where you can catch souls."--Mother Teresa


"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.
It means that you've decided to look beyond perfections."---Mother Teresa

I hauled myself and my jack o'lantern to school today to learn and to share a lesson on Samhain. Learned about "20's", a drama practice to enhance memorization. Then I ran into another aunt and uncle while they were in the parking lot and I was hauling myself and my pumpkin home. I keep getting approached my middle school students who are asking me if I know this person or that person..and this or that person is usually a former student of mine who is near to or has graduated from college. There are more than a younger siblings of former students. And several students who are children of classmates. And the grandparents waiting outside the school today for pick-up are the parents when I was a kid and went there.

You can go "Home" again because I am not the same person. Home (school) is not the same. This is one of these Cosmic opportunities to embrace change for what it can be---good. It just means I've decided to look right here, right now and embrace THAT joy.


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