Today, I sat on a friend's deck and sewed the hems on new teaching-dance pants and fixed the gaps and restuffed the guts coming out of several favored dog toys while she repainted her deck. I kept us supplied with hot spiced cider and a favorite poem of mine from Joyce Rupp. We listened to the birds and her African Grey named Ripley who was definitely part of the conversation. We enjoyed the light and the colors of the day and the season. We enjoyed not hurrying. We enjoyed topic drift and the natural ebb and flow of our time spent.
Then I walked my dog and enjoyed more of the colors and more of this beautiful light.
I am thankful I know how to Stop. and Breathe.
Have you considered taking time, finding time to do some of the same? It is exceptionally beautiful out there. And when one is quiet enough, exceptionally beautiful on the inside, too.
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