Some names to consider...
One of the blessings of coming to Jonestown is learning the culture and traditions around the naming of the children here. Now, it makes it quite a challenge in the pronunciation department, but that is well worth the practice. It is quite common for a name to be created out of name parts of the child's parents. It is also common for the girls to have endings of -avia, -isha, -ia, -uita.The boys--ius, -errick, Enjoy trying to wrap your brains around some of these..I will enjoy showing you photos of the children who wear these names...
Jameliyah, LeTravius, JaMarjay, Jaterrick, Cynara, Earnlisha, Marquita, Kentarvius, T'Keyah, Fredtaysha, T'Shiera, Quongsha, Anekia, Keelandra, Jalissa, DeShantai, Datriniquia, Deterrica, Kashayla...and yes, there are the Martins, Little Mikes, Jeromes, and of course, Columbus (he is six and has a smile that would split a watermelon...and an active mind and hands to go with it!)
We watched The Commitments last night over leftover potato salad and Harp with lime...bliss.
We walked the Jericho block this morning and now the Girls to Women (early teens) are starting to come out, too, with us...I'm thinking about going to the Baptist church tonight. The Baptists have church on Wednesdays and Sundays and often on other days of the week. Jesus is very big down here... I wonder what I would find if I googled the local Mississippi chapters of the pagans and shamans...
One of the blessings of coming to Jonestown is learning the culture and traditions around the naming of the children here. Now, it makes it quite a challenge in the pronunciation department, but that is well worth the practice. It is quite common for a name to be created out of name parts of the child's parents. It is also common for the girls to have endings of -avia, -isha, -ia, -uita.The boys--ius, -errick, Enjoy trying to wrap your brains around some of these..I will enjoy showing you photos of the children who wear these names...
Jameliyah, LeTravius, JaMarjay, Jaterrick, Cynara, Earnlisha, Marquita, Kentarvius, T'Keyah, Fredtaysha, T'Shiera, Quongsha, Anekia, Keelandra, Jalissa, DeShantai, Datriniquia, Deterrica, Kashayla...and yes, there are the Martins, Little Mikes, Jeromes, and of course, Columbus (he is six and has a smile that would split a watermelon...and an active mind and hands to go with it!)
We watched The Commitments last night over leftover potato salad and Harp with lime...bliss.
We walked the Jericho block this morning and now the Girls to Women (early teens) are starting to come out, too, with us...I'm thinking about going to the Baptist church tonight. The Baptists have church on Wednesdays and Sundays and often on other days of the week. Jesus is very big down here... I wonder what I would find if I googled the local Mississippi chapters of the pagans and shamans...
At 9:58 PM,
Maude said…
You are amazing! I can't wait to hear more of your adventures when you get home. And your Yuletide comment cracked me up. I don't think there will ever be a year when we don't sista-fight about those damn nylons. It's tradition! XOXO, Maude
At 11:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I MUST weigh in on the nylons issue.
black nylons under big girl dresses reminds me of ghetto ass irish dancers from the 80s and while YES we were those once, we can thank Sweet Jesus we are no longer.
And your gams are hot, Emir!
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