Lots to think about...nothing to worry about...
Heard that one last night when I was in denial about doing lesson plans and preparing for a full but short week...it was on from an ad for a show on tv and the family circumstances were hard to imagine beyond belief. That was their motto...
Just returned from Prayer and Sharing with Mary J. and Christmas Kitty (well, Christmas was zonked out on the Murphy Bed instead of trying to mess up the Glory Be-s with her yowling about being jipped in the fresh chicken department...only kidding. She never "talks" while we pray unless it's to give us the look. Cats..one never truly knows.) Tonight was tender and just what the heart and soul needed. Thank you, Mary. For everything.
This weekend was wonderful. I headed down to the Field after work on Friday. Took over 4 hours for the usual 2 and 1/2 hour trip with bathroom breaks built in, what with all the traffic in Tacoma and Oly and just getting past Federal Way. That being said, I found the Christmas R Us station and NPR and so between the two of them, she licked that platter clean. The regular route to their farm was closed due to water over the road (still) and several rockfalls and slides. Hmmmm-wonder if there is a correlation there, Weyerhauser and Simpson folks, between completely clearcutting the steep sides on the sides of 107 right up to the riparian zoner\s (and sometimes into it you fotons) and tons of sliding earth because NOTHING is left on the hillsides to hold it all in place when God decides to relive the Noah days. After rerouting through Aberdeen (who000, my favorite on a Friday night just around 8:30 pm when everyone is "getting" somewhere-gettin to the bar, gettin' ready to look cool in a beat-up Ford with a chainsaw in the back and a broken crabpot, gettin' on my nerves because 25 mph really means drive 12 and talk to your best friend in the front seat who has the same curling iron froth of hair directly in line with your jaw and I haven't had a bathroom break in over four hours and still 45 min. to go-one lane road open willing) The river road was down to one lane in several places with the rocks and mud and pieces of road breaking on the cliff edge. With the mist and all, it was surreal. Windows down, Allison Krause on and up-singing--it was all kinda good. As I pulled through the gate, a face turned toward me, held my gaze for a moment, and took off in a rush and quiet whoosh of wings--it was a huge barn owl! I've only seen one other in the "wild" and that was at Earth Sanctuary when I led a dance experience there among the standing stones. The owl there was just off the path as we walked out of that sacred space. Watching the owl fly into the woods naturally brought my eyes to the Star Dance happening just above my head. I could reach out and tickle the star strands they were so bright and close....As I drove in and parked, the way was lit with small candle lanterns. When it is dark and wet at the Field, it is just that and only that on the outside. Will met me and so did some of the kitties. I was dizzy from all the turnings and mist in the road and all that driving energy, so we poured ourselves some of the sweetest cranberry wine, I denuded myself of socks and shoes and hopped on Mama Earth until my feet began to feel her warmth, and we gazed at that amazing sky. Little Feather was indisposed so she was snuggled up inside and we were looking forward to time together the next day. As we were stargazing, there was a call from the trees near the river. Will immediately thought "elk" and later L.F. thought it might have been the two fawns from this summer calling their mama. The mama deer was taken by poachers right outside the Field a couple of weeks ago. I made friends with her this summer and we had a few conversations about what she could and couldn't eat down by the greenhouse. It is uncertain if the two fawns will live through the winter. L.F. is trying to help with that. I snuggled into bed with at least three kittens hopping up to say "hi" and a couple of them deciding to stay for the night.
Saturday was our day for sharing, connecting, praying, walking, napping, cooking, eating great food, and having our celebration as a family of choice. The kittens were full of beans as usual. There is a cat from the environs who has claimed the Field as her territory so there is some tension going on because she is fighting the kittens and forcing them back into the house. Even Momma Kitty can't seem to do anything about it, so Will has his 12 gauge super-soaker with water and vinegar and they are trying that out. Another interesting note: on the walk, WIll discovered a thing afixed to one of their young alder trees along a deer path called a "Stealth Cam". As we moved up the path, it took our pictures. Obviously, someone had placed it there to track deer or poachers or both. I made a few choice expressions with Little Feather while it tookour pictures. I hope they don't end up on the internet, but it brought out the libertarian in me. During our walk later that day, WIll checked in with one of their neighbors up the road and he said he had placed it on their property and "forgot" to tell them about it. They took it in stride as there has been a lot of illegal poaching this fall already right outside their fenceline...still it seemed a little fishy to me. There was also a huge black animal on the neighbor's front yard and at first, I thought it was their big old dog taking a nap in the sun. Nope. It was the 40 lb. raccoon that he had tracked and shot the night before after three months of it terrorizing their cats over cat food. We have that same thing here in Ballard so it was no big deal, I just can't take out my .357 and blast it. I also am not stupid enough to leave catfood out to attract them either. Will says he will put in a cat door for me to the basement if I want one. I'm thinking about it. I just can't stand the smell of cats. I don't mind some dog smell----don;t want to go there right now. Having some challenges in the sad and grieving department. It's hard.
Watched the movie "Curious George"--what an uplifter. I'd recommend it to anyone. Want that one for the baby to come collection. A kinder, gentler world..with lots to think about and nothing to worry about...
Heard that one last night when I was in denial about doing lesson plans and preparing for a full but short week...it was on from an ad for a show on tv and the family circumstances were hard to imagine beyond belief. That was their motto...
Just returned from Prayer and Sharing with Mary J. and Christmas Kitty (well, Christmas was zonked out on the Murphy Bed instead of trying to mess up the Glory Be-s with her yowling about being jipped in the fresh chicken department...only kidding. She never "talks" while we pray unless it's to give us the look. Cats..one never truly knows.) Tonight was tender and just what the heart and soul needed. Thank you, Mary. For everything.
This weekend was wonderful. I headed down to the Field after work on Friday. Took over 4 hours for the usual 2 and 1/2 hour trip with bathroom breaks built in, what with all the traffic in Tacoma and Oly and just getting past Federal Way. That being said, I found the Christmas R Us station and NPR and so between the two of them, she licked that platter clean. The regular route to their farm was closed due to water over the road (still) and several rockfalls and slides. Hmmmm-wonder if there is a correlation there, Weyerhauser and Simpson folks, between completely clearcutting the steep sides on the sides of 107 right up to the riparian zoner\s (and sometimes into it you fotons) and tons of sliding earth because NOTHING is left on the hillsides to hold it all in place when God decides to relive the Noah days. After rerouting through Aberdeen (who000, my favorite on a Friday night just around 8:30 pm when everyone is "getting" somewhere-gettin to the bar, gettin' ready to look cool in a beat-up Ford with a chainsaw in the back and a broken crabpot, gettin' on my nerves because 25 mph really means drive 12 and talk to your best friend in the front seat who has the same curling iron froth of hair directly in line with your jaw and I haven't had a bathroom break in over four hours and still 45 min. to go-one lane road open willing) The river road was down to one lane in several places with the rocks and mud and pieces of road breaking on the cliff edge. With the mist and all, it was surreal. Windows down, Allison Krause on and up-singing--it was all kinda good. As I pulled through the gate, a face turned toward me, held my gaze for a moment, and took off in a rush and quiet whoosh of wings--it was a huge barn owl! I've only seen one other in the "wild" and that was at Earth Sanctuary when I led a dance experience there among the standing stones. The owl there was just off the path as we walked out of that sacred space. Watching the owl fly into the woods naturally brought my eyes to the Star Dance happening just above my head. I could reach out and tickle the star strands they were so bright and close....As I drove in and parked, the way was lit with small candle lanterns. When it is dark and wet at the Field, it is just that and only that on the outside. Will met me and so did some of the kitties. I was dizzy from all the turnings and mist in the road and all that driving energy, so we poured ourselves some of the sweetest cranberry wine, I denuded myself of socks and shoes and hopped on Mama Earth until my feet began to feel her warmth, and we gazed at that amazing sky. Little Feather was indisposed so she was snuggled up inside and we were looking forward to time together the next day. As we were stargazing, there was a call from the trees near the river. Will immediately thought "elk" and later L.F. thought it might have been the two fawns from this summer calling their mama. The mama deer was taken by poachers right outside the Field a couple of weeks ago. I made friends with her this summer and we had a few conversations about what she could and couldn't eat down by the greenhouse. It is uncertain if the two fawns will live through the winter. L.F. is trying to help with that. I snuggled into bed with at least three kittens hopping up to say "hi" and a couple of them deciding to stay for the night.
Saturday was our day for sharing, connecting, praying, walking, napping, cooking, eating great food, and having our celebration as a family of choice. The kittens were full of beans as usual. There is a cat from the environs who has claimed the Field as her territory so there is some tension going on because she is fighting the kittens and forcing them back into the house. Even Momma Kitty can't seem to do anything about it, so Will has his 12 gauge super-soaker with water and vinegar and they are trying that out. Another interesting note: on the walk, WIll discovered a thing afixed to one of their young alder trees along a deer path called a "Stealth Cam". As we moved up the path, it took our pictures. Obviously, someone had placed it there to track deer or poachers or both. I made a few choice expressions with Little Feather while it tookour pictures. I hope they don't end up on the internet, but it brought out the libertarian in me. During our walk later that day, WIll checked in with one of their neighbors up the road and he said he had placed it on their property and "forgot" to tell them about it. They took it in stride as there has been a lot of illegal poaching this fall already right outside their fenceline...still it seemed a little fishy to me. There was also a huge black animal on the neighbor's front yard and at first, I thought it was their big old dog taking a nap in the sun. Nope. It was the 40 lb. raccoon that he had tracked and shot the night before after three months of it terrorizing their cats over cat food. We have that same thing here in Ballard so it was no big deal, I just can't take out my .357 and blast it. I also am not stupid enough to leave catfood out to attract them either. Will says he will put in a cat door for me to the basement if I want one. I'm thinking about it. I just can't stand the smell of cats. I don't mind some dog smell----don;t want to go there right now. Having some challenges in the sad and grieving department. It's hard.
Watched the movie "Curious George"--what an uplifter. I'd recommend it to anyone. Want that one for the baby to come collection. A kinder, gentler world..with lots to think about and nothing to worry about...
At 12:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
i love this entry. it reads like a really good book! hmmm....
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