Okay. SO things are better. Way better. Or at least they feel that way. Which is all that really matters to a 4. this 4 anyway.
The first part of today's entry is for those of you who are already doing it or contemplating becoming teachers of children, amazing but real and youngish children-say of around 6 and 7 years old-you know, the kind that keep a tooth hanging on a a flesh thread until you think your eyes are are going to bug out watching this kid twirl that hooked tooth every day for two weeks or more during morning entry task and even during Creative Choice Time and you think it is finally going to twirl off and right into the azul pool in the paint tray....this is for you:
1. DO IT! Join us. We need you. Especially if the female part of you is hidden on a shelf somewhere-(speak to Uncle Fuzzy about this-he can help you with the description of what is needed and helpful)
2. Someone tuned in needs to help with this task we have. These young-'uns will rule the world. They already do. They just need guided discovery by good people to know how to use words instead of "sock-ems", how to read better (everyday, all the time), and when is it socially acceptable to pick your nose and wipe it on the underside of the desk or center table (Never.)
3. Don't mind my rantings about firstgradeland. Most days are gems. really. and the human beings-yup. I mean, who else do you know that would loan you their Wookie Cookbook for two whole weeks and then let you keep it for another week when you forgot to copy down the Jabba the Hut lasagne recipe?
4. It's a great job. You will stay young. Even when you are going off on your blog about being a person of a certain age--really, at heart. You will keep your kid-heart. it will remind you how to laugh, play, and see with that same "get out of my way-i'm livin' here-and-it's-our-Big-Toy-Day" spirit even on Tuesday mornings in the middle of winter and you can't find clean socks to go with your school pants and it's early faculty meeting day. You will keep so many things inside you that people who work in the Big Peoples' World lose or forget they have. Like the importance of snack, bathroom breaks, and pair- share on the floor.
5. Duck Walks can improve anything.
6. And something I learned on Friday. First graders CAN safely and creatively use a woodburning tool on their hazel walking sticks with careful guidance, They become incredibly careful and focused. Even though the parent volunteer who was doing it with them gave up after two kids (You should have seen the eyes of the one she was working with when she said "can't--it was awful). And teacher said -CAN! quietly to firstgrader with sad eyes-and inwhisper-just wait until after reading adn it's quiet work time. we did it at camp and we can do it here.----and we did. Teacher-to-Be-COME! BE WELCOMED! Wish you could see the cross designs they burned into their walking sticks. You see, we are on a pilgramage, a sacred journey to find God in the world and in ourselves. And it is amazing when you are taking Duck Walks in the rain around the neighborhood with these walking sticks and a pastoral associate drives by, stops his car in the road, gets out with tears in his eyes (And you, the teacher are watching and wondering what this crazy man is going to say to you in front of the children about walking in the rain, singing and smiling) and he stammers-"the archbishop did that, you know, years ago, with the RCIA candidates (people who were studying to become members of the Church) and Look! You are doing it! With the children! You know what Life is...and before he can get a breath out the five kids nearest him answer clearly and matter of factly-"It's a pilgrimage. And you need a stick."
At 12:10 PM,
MihErn said…
This one is going in the book. :)
At 2:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
the prologue please. it's about perfect.
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