Fair Isle Cat Rescue, Pie Making, Learning Consultancy R-Us
Let's start with a prayer.
...We call upon all that we hold most sacred.
the presence and power of the Great Spirit
of Love and Truth
which flow through all the Universe...to be with us.
Teach us and show us the way.
-----Chinook Blessing
So this has been a busy week. We (Will, Little Feather, and I) rescued a cat this morning. He is presently resting in the garage. He is a middle-aged, orange male with the temporary name of "Flatnose". My neighbor across the street, Tom, has agreed to adopt him. I introduced him to LF and Will last night on our evening walk. He has been living on the corner under a butterfly bush for some time. He is very underweight and it turns out, has some challenges with his mouth--which is why he hasn't been eating the crunchies folks have left out for him. I met an animal communicator earlier this week who was conversing with him and she told me his story. I said I would check with Tom. Truth is-if it turns out Tom can't have him, we will here at Fair Isle. I went and got one of those portable cat crates and Will suited up (the only male EVER to wear my Holy Names soccer sweatshirt) and we went and brought Sir Cat to the vet. Crown Hill had an appointment at the right time and Jean and Laura have received nothing but the best of care there for their animal companions. Turns out-he is neutered, undernourished, needed rabies, and I also ordered a full "cat scan" to find out if he has leukemia or AIDS and to find out about any other health challenges. He is not microchipped. Those test results come back tomorrow. He is a love. He has already eaten a can of soft food in stages. He was not happy with me when I just went out to sit with him. Tom will come by early evening to bring him over across the street. If he is in okay health, he will need fattening up and he will need dental surgery. I have pledged to help with the financial aspect of that. This cat needs the loving. It has already begun. He didn't bat an eye when Squishy was acting like a minor dork behind me last night. He has learned a few things about cats from being exposed to Chai and Pekoe (Fletcher's boys). Cedar has quieted down a lot around cats and other things that go bump in the night.
Pie Making-in progress. First harvest of the apples. Combine these with marionberries and blueberries and this place is starting to smell really good. Also feels great to be back in the baking saddle again. And....a Fair Isle apple/marionberry pie is a fair exchange of energy for a neighbor who knew how to dispatch a 2 foot rat that the trap didn't finish. What a deal--a pie AND a cat in one day! Tom is one lucky neighbor!
Learning Consultant R Us--I went to my aunt and uncle's uber-beautiful, contemporary home in Edmonds for a lovely evening of salad, news catch-up, and learning resources. It was an involved evening. I was struck once again by the beauty and grace of my Aunt Paula, the humor and generosity of My Uncle Mike H. and the down to earth, huge heart, and advocating spirit of my cousin, Melissa. Their darling, KAT, is an angel. Full of love, creativity, clarity, humor, candor, and esprit de vivre! God knew what God was doing ! I hope some of what I shared will be helpful. I know I learned and came away with a full and happier heart. p.s. NEVER take Hwy 99 to Edmonds during rush hour. Big mistake. It took almost as long as it used to take to drive from Pensacola to New Orleans.
Cleaned two rooms thoroughly here at the cottage. Was able to bring out, toss, and keep plans, memorabilia, journals, and books from the first round of "Cabin in the Woods" Dream. That was a toughie and there is more room for what is to grow NOW. Been organizing school stuff. Purging more things. Getting a working wardrobe in order for the school year.
There is a wedding this weekend. At the ocean. With music. And family. And lots of LOVE. I mean to plug into the Hope and Joy. I will also be hauling a Subaru of the H and J to the event myself. Squishy is going to camp. He will hate that.
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