Okay, so we're getting used to each other.
I'm not getting used to cat smells.
The water bottle is active. As Amore (aka Flatnose, Ace, Laverne, Max, Horatio, and You-Get-Down-From-the-Table-the neighborhood has had several names for him over time) gets his cottage legs, gathers strength, and gets into the routine, he also is showing his personality. He is a love but he doesn't take any grief off of anybody, esp. Cedar and Cedar hasn't tried to give him any. As Auntie Lydia says, they don't have to be best friends but they Do have to be good citizens. Oh, and cats don't sleep at night. Dogs do. I do. This is interesting.
I am glad for this quiet morning. Got a little bit of sleep last night.
Things are coming together slowly, very slowly in the classroom. Brigid has beenhelping. I will spend most of the weekend working on it. So much has "fallen away". I can't explain. While I know what to do, the way things were and kind of loaded with stuff --this doesn't work anymore. Today should put most of it into place so I can continue with curriculum needs. There has been a lot of upheaval as workers installed a smartboard. The phone doesn't work in there. I can get messages. What is it about phones in my life lately? OH, I found my other lost one. It was deep in the bottom of my dogwalking fannypack-it doesn't work now because I cancelled it but all the phone numbers are in there. Good. It has felt strange to be at school without my buddies. Like being in a new building everytime I moved and found a new position in a different school. Only the building seems familiar but not "my familiar". A new joy showed up yesterday. Her name is Mary Dewberry. I don't know her very well but she is now my new OLF BFF. You need at least one. It doesn't mean I don't get along and play nice with others. There are lots of nice folks there and friends, too. It's just different. Maybe because the lovely Ms. D is vertically challenged like me to the world, but to us, we are just the right size.
I'm off to walk my lovely dog and go to work. Brigie's reception is this weekend. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow like they are predicting.
I am also aware of how being grounded changes everything. Everything. I like this.
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