"What you gaze on, gazes back. What you contemplate in faithfulness, changes you into itself.
Turning and turning you'll come around to being like earth in which
much can grow."--Gunilla Norris, Mystic Garden
There is something cozy about getting up in the 4 o'clock hour already awake. Coffee on. Stretching out in the dark and rain with the dog. Doing dishes by candlelight and whatever shuffle music the ipod wants to put out--this morning it has been Robin Eye, Jack Johnson, Shania Twain, Stan Rodgers, Ottmar Leibert, and Michael Tomlinson. Somehow it all works. I will pay for the getting up this early already awake because it means I did not sleep but rather dozed throughout our long Beltanne soir.
Yesterday was a remarkable day. We were up at o'dark to go walk around the lake and attend a pancake breakfast. Another nap (still can't shake the aches and no energy thing), and it was up to Seattle U. St. Ignatius chapel. Have never been there before. It was for a special liturgy because one of the confimandi was getting baptized and was receiving Holy Eucharist for the first time. Then it was rehearsal for next week's confirmation liturgy. I am sponsoring a friend and dancer. It was the full in the pool deal with pitchers of water and the full anointing with oil dripping scene. It was profound to see those sacred signs of new Life in Christ in that way. Considering some of the places I have been recently and to come home and experience grassroots faith in action was good for my soul. good for my heart. good for this mind. Because I am not holding the Church in too much good spot lately. I loved being part of liturgy at the chapel there. I also had the huge pleasure of meeting Monica Perry from the Murray School in Portland whose little sister is best friend with my niece, Rowan. And then her sponsor came in late and it was a dear, not so old friend from Seattle U and the dance school who turned out to be Monica's aunt! Plus I got to see wedding photos of another former dancer's wedding that we were unable to attend this year. It was a special time. On a Sunday.
Then it was home to cozy fire, looking at all the work undone around here and off to bed again.
Nothing is fair. Sounds extreme and the bottom line is there isn't one and every moment is dripping lovingly with Grace and Gratitude.....And that is why it matters that you get clear on what you need, want, and listen, listen, listen to what Spirit wants for you. Sometimes it is just to get quiet, draw near, and snuggle in, and watch the crane's bill geraniums grow in smoky little patches along side a path, or notice the heron moving across the sky at high-tree level as you are heading out on a field trip, or doing dishes by candlelight, or reveling in clean sheets and a cup of tea. Or turning the soil in a raised bed with your pup before work on a weekday. Lots of ways to be open. This beautiful morning is singing soprano with color, clarity, new life, and windsong. If you want to clear your heart, your mind, your head, your sinuses, your energy---head outside today.....the work will be done for you!
Turning and turning you'll come around to being like earth in which
much can grow."--Gunilla Norris, Mystic Garden
There is something cozy about getting up in the 4 o'clock hour already awake. Coffee on. Stretching out in the dark and rain with the dog. Doing dishes by candlelight and whatever shuffle music the ipod wants to put out--this morning it has been Robin Eye, Jack Johnson, Shania Twain, Stan Rodgers, Ottmar Leibert, and Michael Tomlinson. Somehow it all works. I will pay for the getting up this early already awake because it means I did not sleep but rather dozed throughout our long Beltanne soir.
Yesterday was a remarkable day. We were up at o'dark to go walk around the lake and attend a pancake breakfast. Another nap (still can't shake the aches and no energy thing), and it was up to Seattle U. St. Ignatius chapel. Have never been there before. It was for a special liturgy because one of the confimandi was getting baptized and was receiving Holy Eucharist for the first time. Then it was rehearsal for next week's confirmation liturgy. I am sponsoring a friend and dancer. It was the full in the pool deal with pitchers of water and the full anointing with oil dripping scene. It was profound to see those sacred signs of new Life in Christ in that way. Considering some of the places I have been recently and to come home and experience grassroots faith in action was good for my soul. good for my heart. good for this mind. Because I am not holding the Church in too much good spot lately. I loved being part of liturgy at the chapel there. I also had the huge pleasure of meeting Monica Perry from the Murray School in Portland whose little sister is best friend with my niece, Rowan. And then her sponsor came in late and it was a dear, not so old friend from Seattle U and the dance school who turned out to be Monica's aunt! Plus I got to see wedding photos of another former dancer's wedding that we were unable to attend this year. It was a special time. On a Sunday.
Then it was home to cozy fire, looking at all the work undone around here and off to bed again.
Nothing is fair. Sounds extreme and the bottom line is there isn't one and every moment is dripping lovingly with Grace and Gratitude.....And that is why it matters that you get clear on what you need, want, and listen, listen, listen to what Spirit wants for you. Sometimes it is just to get quiet, draw near, and snuggle in, and watch the crane's bill geraniums grow in smoky little patches along side a path, or notice the heron moving across the sky at high-tree level as you are heading out on a field trip, or doing dishes by candlelight, or reveling in clean sheets and a cup of tea. Or turning the soil in a raised bed with your pup before work on a weekday. Lots of ways to be open. This beautiful morning is singing soprano with color, clarity, new life, and windsong. If you want to clear your heart, your mind, your head, your sinuses, your energy---head outside today.....the work will be done for you!
At 8:02 AM,
About Me said…
They do compline every night during the Tallis Scholars Summer School in St. Ig's. Tim and Mary have gone - you should go with them to check it out this year. It's really beautiful. :)
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