Mississippi Moments

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bolle and the Learning Curve!
My Learning Curve is tossing and twisting with the movement and pressure of the liquid lessons pouring through my consciousness like an old backyard hose...the occasional urp and taut, and then flow and power and more "water" for this personal garden of de-Lifes. SO here's what I've learned in the last three hours of being awake:
I . I took my new soccer ball out for a trot. I need something to walk/run with on a regular basis since my Shelties are in the land of leash-free. It wasn't so different. It tried to run out in the street a few times and doesn't keep a consistent pace. I had to be on watch the entire time. I cheated a few times and used some Magnolia-style lawn edges (which I believe are illegal here in Ballard) to keep "Bolle" rolling neatly at my side. Ultimately, I think we are up for a few good runs. Some benefits-no need for poop bags or walking stick. Downside-Bolle isn't trained to heel on the left yet--gonna work on that one (sigh).
2. If you leave your green GAP rubber garden " welliees" (rubber boots for you Herriot challenged folks) on the front porch of your house and it is over 95 degrees for a week or more, said welliees will stick to said porch...and leave a mark and rubber scunge when you want to use boots for yardwork.
3. You can get motion-sick on a glider garden bench and it's NOT Dad's fault.
4. I don't know what tamarind is... Will need to find out. A nice workout lady from Curves gave me a recipe for some great Vietnamese salad with...tamarind. I'm trying to turn on the Vietnam mojo in any way possible!:)
5. Honey pots come with their own roofing crews here in Ballard. I wonder if they ever show up with floor repair crews or paint kitchen crews...will need to find out.
6. There is still a magic and sacredness to the rhythm of my seasons--example from today: shearing lavendar to bundle and hang here in the cottage, warm sunshine on my back and neck while gathering the lavendar, and the pleasure of filling a vase or Mason jar in every room with this healing,beautiful gift from Mother Earth.
7. I learned to do something new on my computer--I scanned photos of my Shelties on the top of the world highway in Alaska from our journey to the Yukon and back again. I learned to crop, align, apply sepia, add to desktop, and print...
Now Rowan is coming, and I will have to learn some more things...thank you God for this most amazing day...


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