Mississippi Moments

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happiness is finishing the rewrite of the MS grant that I offered to do.
Happiness is that I know how to do that kind of writing, planning, and assessment stuff now.
Happiness is that I am going to have a Shamrock Shake tomorrow.
Happiness is Cedar and his "leader" finishing the second puppy class and we are INTO it. We've had a 4 week head start.
Happiness is confirming that my cottage does, in fact, list to the east...as I was writing these happinesses, I forgot to take Cedar outside and so he did it inside...and it all flowed quickly to the east. Good to know.
Happiness is being able to let go of some things...like doing alot of shows at this time of year. This year, it's hitting me pretty hard that Fiona isn't around and that my energy is elsewhere. The teaching is fine, the performing...well, I'll do special ones, but I get to choose. Rowanfae did a lively show at the Heritage House today. I went down to support them. I'm looking forward to some celebrating this weekend and the Family Set on Sunday with the Tara dancers.
Happiness is singing because the Grace of God is...
Happiness is Fishtale ale in my little green teacup and Pam and Philip on the CD player.


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