Mississippi Moments

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My ragtop is draggin'....but I'm happy.
And tired.
And glad to be back in the swing of things.
And glad to be having the choice how much to swing the things.
I think a few in the schedule may have to go, but we shall see.

The Rv has the clutch fixed now. The damage wasn't too bad.
Now it goes back to the other place to have the RV stuff looked at.
I was meaning to have that done anyhow and was dreading the drive in Seattle to bring it to a place and now Peregrin is going to be back at a place where they do that sort of checking and fixering uppering. Not too shabby and another lovely reason to go back up to the land of Port Hadlock--ooooh, I'll hate that.*wink*wink.

In all honesty, I am doing a great job about not bringing other people's concerns/obsessions/worries about their children home with me because I am being selfish and practicing this to save energy for my own kid(s). This makes me happy that I can practice this kind of self-control at least for now and make some viable progress in the behavior, energy, and thought time-you know what I mean.

I am absolutely enjoying the textury heck out of the book Broken for You by S. Kallos right now. Can't put it down. Like dark French chocolate-the bites are meaningful and not necessarily in too big of chunks. A little goes a long way.
And none of my clothes fit properly but I'm in them and all I think about when I am sweating in my too tight pants is 1. This happened because I enjoyed the heck out of myself in Scotland and this past weekend with toasted cheese sandwiches and proper egg salad ( and not in that order) and 2. In one month, it's not going to be hot like this and it will be my favorite season of the year. And I love looking forward to that just like I love right now and the way the stars come out pop-pop-popping twinkily over the roofs and above the birch and cedars. And I love listening to Flicker in the morning, during the day at school and in the evening when I return home and finally settle in and breathe, noticing my surroundings, how it smells, and who is blessing us with their song. And stinky dog breath.
The tomato soup is done. Off to savor a cup outside. I have courtside seats for the star show.


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