Mississippi Moments

Friday, February 01, 2008

Boy, you can sure tell when I am out of it, up to here with it, and not too excited about it or anything else. That last entry was something...else. I just got back from doing the first set of hot-hot-hot laundry at the laundromat with an armload of math papers and timed tests to correct and log. Met an interesting man there with his daughters doing the family laundry. He was obviously part of a Friday night posse who do their laundry on early Friday night then go out to dinner afterwards. So, got a lot done. 4 loads in fact. + my coat. I forgot how nice warm things are right out of the dryer. And now it's time for a little green teamug of wine and some downtime with my silly dog. I might even read something other than schoolstuff. I get to choose. I am not happy about this weekend but I will be tomorrow.


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