Sitting here. In my long underwear, woolen sweater, fleece socks and a turtle neck.
It's JUNE!!!
Cannot believe this. I turned on the furnace this morning. Too groggy to start a fire safely.
I am exhausted. Literally coming home from school and going to bed. For hours. Waking up around 9 or 10, having a cup of tea, reading a little, and back to bed until morning. Took a break to get mouse traps and have a short French lesson this week. Haven't trapped any mice yet--heard them in the kitchen this morning--but I was too cozy to get up and just watch them run---so was the "ratter-wannabee" in bed with me. We both just looked at the door and went back to doze.
French group/lesson was wonderful. My brain kicked in. Mostly. There is something very special about being around a table with two Marine Scientists (we're talking top NOAA scientist and a top faculty member at the UW) and have them argue in French about the phylum, species,family,etc. etc. of gooey-ducks, shrimp deliniations and fresh water crawdads...and then to discuss behavioral differences between ours here in the PacNW and those in Australia. How lucky can a girl get?!?! And to see my Dear Friend, Madame Tak and see her love, joy, and pride radiating in her eyes. Her beautiful, strong daughter graduated this year. Amy will make her mark on the world. Madame Prof Liana runs a tight ship and makes the loveliest tea, often from what is growing in her "jardin". It is a good thing....all of it.
It is hitting hard that I am not going to Jonestown this year. I am not looking forward to making more appointments after this week. But I will. Tests and follow-up care continue. I am grateful and reluctant.
The RV finally moved on. Peregrina--beautiful, old, memory-making camping fortress. Now there is room for something lighter, smaller, and which will stay in the garage. More on that later.
I am taking suggestions for dress ideas. I haven't bought one in 12 years. I went to Nordies at Bellevue Square the Wed. after I moved back to Seattle from Virginia and I bought a blue dress there. That was in 1996. It's time. Send me links, ideas, places you go.
At 2:54 PM,
About Me said…
I'm happy to shop with you, iffen you wanna. :) There are some dresses similar to the picture at jcrew.com. I think you'd look fabulous in them. What's the occasion?
Also, wanna go to the Bastille Day celebrations at the Seattle Center in July with me? :)
At 3:11 PM,
little sea said…
I have some *great* ideas for the shopping, lady. That dress is lovely but I can already do an impression of what you will do when you put it on. It's making me giggle a little.
love you
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